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Updated: August 10, 2024

Were I possessed of a quick spasmodic style of narrative, I should have been able to include it all Frank's misbehaviour, Mary's immediate anger, Augusta's arrival, and keen, Argus-eyed inspection, and then Mary's subsequent misery in five words and half a dozen dashes and inverted commas.

Tons upon countless tons of them shaping a gigantic pile of which every atom was sentient, mobile intelligent! A Metal Monster! Now I knew why it was that its frowning facade had seemed to watch us Argus-eyed as the Things had tossed us toward it. It HAD watched us!

Without the least compunction she broke the seal, grimly scanning its contents from beginning to end. If there was anything under the sun the madame abominated it was love-letters. It was an established fact that no tender billets-doux found their way from the academy; the argus-eyed madame was too watchful for that. With a lowering brow, she gave the bell-rope a hasty pull.

John Hunter- -whose observation was so keen that Abernethy was accustomed to speak of him as "the Argus-eyed" furnished an illustrious example of the power of patient industry. He received little or no education till he was about twenty years of age, and it was with difficulty that he acquired the arts of reading and writing.

He wanted just then not so much the criminal as the joy of finding him against odds and laying his hand on his shoulder: just to show them all that he wasn't a has-been. His telephone message had thrown a cordon of argus-eyed men around New York. Now, then, what would he, Haggerty, do if he were in Mason's shoes?

Chunk grinned and soliloquized, "Reck'n I kin fotch dat gyurl roun' wid all her contrariations. I des likes her skittishness, but I ain' tellin' her so, kaze I gwine ter hab my han's full as 'tis." Zany soon returned with a plate well heaped, for at this time her argus-eyed mistress was sitting in the parlor, awaiting whatever fate the ruthless Yankees might impose.

Again, at the corner of every principal street, there is located, wearing the badge of the police, a commissionaire, acquainted with all that outwardly goes on within the radius of his Argus-eyed observations.

Whence it became necessary to begin again with increased ardor, to accumulate more crown-pieces, without its ever entering the brain of these laborious ants to ask "To what end?" Favored by this annual turmoil, the happy Augustine escaped the investigations of her Argus-eyed relations. At last, one Saturday evening, the stock-taking was finished.

Goethe was the philosopher of this multiplicity; hundred-handed, Argus-eyed, able and happy to cope with this rolling miscellany of facts and sciences, and, by his own versatility, to dispose of them with ease; a manly mind, unembarrassed by the variety of coats of convention with which life had got encrusted, easily able by his subtlety to pierce these, and to draw his strength from nature, with which he lived in full communion.

Forbes, who had begun to be Argus-eyed for flies. Racing out to the barn, she appeared to 'Zekiel in the harness room like a small whirlwind. "Get on your best things, Zeke," she cried, hopping up and down; "my father and mother are coming." "Is this an india rubber girl?" inquired the coachman, pausing to look at her with a smile. "What train?" "Three o'clock. You're going with me to New York.

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