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He must wait to see if she marched in the approaching procession.

The Emperor himself had not sympathised with the idea of war, and it is said did not even know of the approaching danger. It did not require the intervention of other sovereigns to induce him to refuse his assent to a wanton war, but this advice from foreign Powers of course caused great indignation in Bismarck; it was just the kind of thing which always angered him beyond everything.

The one permanent motive of her existence was her son Arthur the puny little infant who had been prematurely ushered into a world that seemed full of hatred twenty years before and even his image faded from mind and thought before the short Cambridge terms were half expired. At this moment she was thinking less of the death of Jem than of the approaching arrival of Arthur.

Androvsky's fear of both that was the link. She kept on thinking of the glance he had cast at the watch-tower, to which Trevignac had been even then approaching, although they knew it not. De Trevignac! She walked faster on the sand, to and fro before the tent. Why had he looked at the tent in which Androvsky slept with horror?

Phanes now related how, on approaching Babylon by the royal post, just before midnight, they heard some cries of distress, and found three fierce-looking fellows dragging a youth towards the river; how with his Greek war-cry he had rushed on the murderers, slain one of them, and put the others to flight; and how he discovered so he thought the youth to be none other but Bartja, whom he had met at the Egyptian court.

I saw this as he lifted his hat on approaching Julian, with the firm, proud step which indicates intellectual power. What was there about this stranger that haunted me long after the thunders of the cataract had ceased to reverberate on the ear? Where had I seen a countenance and figure resembling his?

Accordingly, he gave diligent heed to the good advice Mr. Scott delighted to give him, as well as to the studies he set for him, and looked forward hopefully to the approaching examination. Toward the end of October the examination took place. It was the boys' first experience of a written examination, and it is little wonder if they felt nervous about it. With Mr.

About their design there could be no doubt: they were evidently advancing to attack us: and the reason why they did not rush forward at once may have been that they had some dread of approaching the fire; or perhaps they had not yet made up their minds as to what sort of enemies we were. It was not likely, however, that the fire would keep them off for any long period of time.

His cool mood tightened under grip of excitement as he reflected that, whoever the approaching riders were, they could not be friends. He slipped out of the saddle and led Wrangle behind the tallest sage-brush. It might serve to conceal them until the riders were close enough for him to see who they were; after that he would be indifferent to how soon they discovered him.

And she retired, leaving the modiste in a state of much astonishment, approaching resentment. The idea was outrageous, a woman with such divinely fair skin, a woman with the bosom of a Venus, and arms of a shape to make sculptors rave, and yet she actually wished to hide these beauties from the public gaze!