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Updated: August 5, 2024

When most of her own antiquites were sold, she could afford to buy others, just as good or better, to take their places. She never made big sums of money; but maybe that was because she had debts of her husband's to pay off, which she kept secret. Besides, she is so generous and kind that she would give good prices for things in buying, and ask small ones in selling. "Mrs.

Politics, religion, agriculture, commerce, mineralogy, manners, and customs, are discussed in this volume; and in general with good sense and information. Hamburgh, Hanover, its government, universities, and especially its mines, are particularly described. Voyage dans quelques Parties de la Basse-Saxe, pour la Recherche des Antiquités Slaves ou Wendes, 1794. Par J. Potocky. Hambro. 1795. 4to.

Messire Jacques du Breul, in his Le Théâtre des Antiquités de Paris , remarks, not without critical unction, in his quaint French: "De la chair d'icelui faisit des pastez qui se trouvoient meilleurs que les aultres, d'autant que la chair de l'homme est plus délicate

Later, however, the Service des Antiquites pronounced the place to be outside Garstang's borders, and it seemed that luck was coming our way. No one but we two Fenton and I had any inkling of what might lie hidden in the Mountain of the Golden Pyramid. That was the great secret! Then Fenton had gone to the Balkans, on a flying trip in every sense of the word.

At each of these an Egyptian guard politely scrutinized the "Services des Antiquites," although it was printed in French that he could not read, and then permitted the holder to enter.

At Cairo the managers of the tour had obtained from the government for each member of the Nile party a little cloth bound "Service des Antiquites L'Egypte" made out in the name of the holder. This open-sesame for the iron gates was given to each person with the warning that it must not be forgotten.

Winckelmann's History of Ancient Art; Müller's Ancient Art and its Remains; A.J. Guattani, Antiquités de la Grande Grèce; Mazois, Antiquités de Pompeii; Sir W. Gill, Pompeiana; Donaldson's Antiquities of Athens; Vitruvius, Stuart, Chandler, Clarke, Dodwell, Cleghorn, De Quincey, Fergusson, Schliemann, these are some of the innumerable authorities on Architecture among the ancients.

But a common atmosphere of elegy pervades the work of both, and if Gibbon again and again forgets the inquiry with which he set out, the charm of his work gains thereby. A pensive melancholy akin to that of Petrarch's Trionfi, or the Antiquités de Rome of Joachim du Bellay, redeems from monotony, by the emotion it communicates, the over-stately march of many a balanced period.

But a great deal of work has been done among the private mastaba-tombs by the officers of the Service des Antiquités, which reserves to itself the right of excavation here and at Dashûr.

Aucun objet antique ne pourra etre vendu sauf au Departement des Antiquites du pays, mais si ce Departement renonce a l'acquerir la vente en deviendra libre. Aucune antiquite ne pourra sortir du pays sans un permis d'exportation dudit Departement.

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