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It is right to afford nourishment to this sentiment: and to allow of distinctions. Observe how the people bow before the decorations of foreigners. Voltaire calls the common soldiers Alexanders at five sous a day. He was right: it is just so. Do you imagine that you can make men fight by reasoning? Never. You must bribe them with glory, distinctions, rewards.

Parsley is also smaller in all its parts. Alexanders differs from it, as a plant not of so high growth. Angelica may be mistaken for this, but has a more agreeable scent. All the water parsneps may be confounded with it: but these are known by the smallness of the umbels; and they are generally in bloom, so that this circumstance is a good criterion.

They has it pro an' con ontil the thirteenth drink, when Squar' Alexanders who's ag'in the wizard brings the others to his views; an' as they staggers forth from the tavern it's the yoonanimous decision to bar that Satan-aided show.

It is strange is it not? that the young, the fair, the gifted, should yield themselves to that arch-deceit which has allured and ruined men for six thousand years? Is it not the same old guilt, the same sophistry and foolishness, here in New York, that it always has been? Did it not bear the same Circean cup through the halls of Nineveh and Babylon, and fling Cæsars and Alexanders to the ground?

Alexander was accustomed to say of it, "There are two Alexanders, one invincible, the living son of Philip the other immutable, the picture of Apelles." Later in his life Apelles painted many pictures of mythological subjects. He visited Alexandria, in Egypt; he did not win the favor of King Ptolemy, and his enemies in the Egyptian court played cruel practical jokes upon him.

But the student should also consult the difference existing between this plant and the following, which, although somewhat alike in appearance, may be confounded. Angelica. Chervil. Alexanders. Hemlock. Skirret. Cow Parsley. Lovage. Wild Parsnep. Fool's Parsley. Hamburgh Parsley. PRUNUS Lauro-cerasus.

We Lani know about these things. In forty generations I am the first to conceive as the Master intended." "I hope you haven't," Kennon said with such bitter sincerity that Copper looked at him wide-eyed. "Not now. Because if you have, neither your life nor mine is safe." "Why?" "The Alexanders. Do you think they'll take it lying down? We're not ready for them yet.

How much higher and more slippery, pray, is the peak on which your Virtue dwells than that Aornos crag which Alexander stormed in a few days? Her. There is no resemblance, Lycinus; this is not a thing, as you conceive it, to be compassed and captured quickly, though ten thousand Alexanders were to assault it; in that case, the sealers would have been legion.

"Shut up now this Tabernacle," exclaimed Dr. James W. Alexander. "Let no man dare speak here after that." The Alexanders. Dr. Tyng. Dr. Cox. Dr. Adams. Dr. Storrs. Mr. Beecher. Mr. Finney and Dr. B.M. Palmer.

"If Kaintucky don't get tangled up with Satan ontil I imports him to her fertile shores, you cimmarons may regyard yourse'fs as saved." ""Be you-all goin' to do the sundry deeds you sets forth in the programmes?" asks Squar' Alexanders after a pause. ""Which I shorely be!" says the wizard, "an' if I falls down or fails you can call me a ab'litionist."