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Captain Rule, they shoot better in sport than when they're in downright airnest." "This looks like real work," answered Raoul. "A man does not often shoot away the mainyard of his friend on purpose."

"I guess you're in a little bit of a small hurry, Master Colleton, 'cause, you see, you've some reason to be so. You hain't had so easy a spell on it, no how, and I don't wonder as how you're no little airnest to get off. Well, you won't have to wait for me. I've jest got through mending my little go-cart though, to be sure, it don't look, no how, like the thing it was.

He's a heerum-skeemm, divil-may-care fellow, no doubt of it, an' laughs at the priests, which same I'm thinkin' will get him below stairs more nor a new-milk heat, any way; but thin agin, he thrates thim dacent, an' gives thim good dinners, an' they take all this rolliken in good part, so that it's likely he's not in airnest in it, and surely they ought to know best, Jimmy."

I ud lose the mar to a dead sartinty, if I didn't make the high ground; so I spoke to the critter to do her best, an' kep on. The poor beast didn't need any whippin' she knew as well's I did meself thur wur danger, an' she wur a-doin' her darndest, an' no mistake. Still the water riz, an' kep a-risin', until it come clur up to her shoulder. "I begun to git skeart in airnest.

I know how it wur some of Black Donald's gang as done it as if I could always be on my guard against them devils; and he means it this time, mum; he's terrible in airnest!" "Tut! he's always in earnest for as long as it lasts; go home to your family and to-morrow go about your business as usual." Here the study bell rang violently and Old Hurricane's voice was heard calling, "Mrs. Condiment! Mrs.

What I wanted to ax yez," said Mickey, checking his disposition to loquacity, "is whether ye are in dead airnest 'bout saying the copper-colored gentleman will be down here for the purpose of blotting out the metropolis of New Boston?" "Be here? Of course they will, just as sure as you're a livin' man. And you won't have to wait long, either." "How long?"

It's biter bit, and I don't pity you one mossel; it sarves you right. But look at the grave-digger; he looks to me as if he was a diggin' of his own grave in rael right down airnest.

Which of you has a cow to steal? for, by the sweets o' rosin, I'm low in cash, and want a thrifle to support nather; for nather, my boys, must be supported, and it was never my intintion to die for want o' my vittles; aitin' and drinkin' is not very pleasant to most people, I know, but I was born wid a fancy for both." "Rantin' Rody, in airnest, will you go up and have your fortune tould?"

Slick, "I was only in jeest, but you are in airnest. What you have said is too true for a joke, and I feel it. I was only a sparrin'; but you took off the gloves, and felt my short ribs in a way that has given me a stitch in the side. It tante fair to kick that way afore you are spurred. You've hurt me considerable." "Sam, I am old, narvous, and irritable.

About this time twelve months no, faix, I'm wrong, it was afore Dan's marriage I had thoughts o' spakin' ta you about it, but somehow it left my head. Upon my word, I'm in airnest, Ellish." "Well, avick, make your mind asy; I'll have one from Dublin in less nor a fortnight. I can thin go about of an odd time, an' see how Dan an' Pether's comin' an.