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Updated: August 29, 2024

Brother AEgidius, the friend and comrade of the dead man, however, had left them and approached Eva. Deeply agitated, he struggled to repress his sobs as he told her that the old man's longing was fulfilled and his Saviour had summoned him. To die thus, richly outweighed the many sacrifices he had so willingly made here below during a long life.

"If it were any one else," she continued, significantly, "I would not venture to try it. But the Abbot of St. AEgidius, in his charity, scarcely asks, when help is needed, whence did you come, who are you, or what do you possess? I know him. Wait here a little while. If he condescends to do it, you can take him to the poor creature at once."

He had his bath, flung on a shirt and trousers and went into his sitting-room, bright now with the morning sun, so that the blue bowls and the red tiles shone, and even the dark face of Aegidius was lighted with the gleam. Mrs. Ridge was short and stout, with white hair, a black bonnet, and the deepest of voices.

Don't allow yourself to regret your generosity, friend Lienhard. "To you, if to any one, it gives daily proof of liberality in both learning and the affairs of life," Herr Wilibald assented. "If you will substitute 'God, our Lord, for 'destiny, I agree with you," observed the Abbot of St. AEgidius in Nuremberg. The portly old prelate nodded cordially to Dr. Peutinger as he spoke.

Before this largesse in his own house he was wont to bestow another, and a very noble one, on the old men and women of the poor folks in the town; and when this was over he went with them to the church of Saint Aegidius, and washed the feet of about a score of them, which act of penitential humility he was wont to repeat in Passion week.

Peter Tschudi wrote to him from Paris, "You are like a tutelar god to us;" and his brother Aegidius in Basel begged him, "Help, that I may be called back to you again, for with no one have I wished rather to live than with you." Valentine Tschudi, the cousin of the two first named, was yet more strongly attached to their beloved master.

Aegidius Aucupis fled, and reached the island of Ireland, where he lived for thirty studious years. He went from monastery to monastery, searching for and copying the Greek and Latin manuscripts which they contained. He also studied physics and alchemy. He acquired a universal knowledge and discovered notable secrets concerning animals, plants, and stones.

This was done on the second of December, being the day following the Feast of AEgidius the Abbot, by that Reverend man Hermann Lochorst, Dean of the great Church of St. Martin the Bishop. These things were done in the year 1461, as is written above. In the year of the Lord 1462, on the night of the Feast of St.

One wall had low brown bookshelves. There were two pictures: one an Around reprint of Matsys' "Portrait of Aegidius" that wise, kind, tender face; the other an admirable photogravure of Durer's "Selbstbildnis." The books were mainly to do with his favourite historical period the Later Roman Empire.

At the door the Abbot of St. AEgidius left them to greet Professor Kollin, and, with the easy kindness characteristic of him, to say that the room had become too warm for the other gentlemen. They presented their compliments to the distinguished citizen of Cologne, and placed their table at the service of the newcomer.

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