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The inhabitants are thin, provisions are scarce, and desolation and penury give little pleasure. Johnson's Works, ix. 153. See ante, ii. 225. In like manner Wesley said of Rousseau: 'Sure a more consummate coxcomb never saw the sun.... He is a cynic all over. So indeed is his brother-infidel, Voltaire; and well-nigh as great a coxcomb. Wesley's Journal,, ed. 1830, iii. 386.

He says, "The subsoil north of latitude 56 degrees is perpetually frozen, the thaw on the coast not penetrating above three feet, and at Bear Lake, in latitude 64 degrees, not more than twenty inches. See Humboldt "Fragmens Asiatiques" page 386: Barton's "Geography of Plants"; and Malte Brun.

It is strange that Boswell does not mention that on this day they met the Duke and Duchess of Argyle in the street. That they did so we learn from Piozzi Letters, i. 386. Perhaps the Duchess shewed him 'the same marked coldness' as at Inverary. Boswell's Hebrides, Oct. 25. At Auchinleck he had 'exhorted Boswell to plant assiduously. Boswell's Hebrides, Nov. 4. See ante, i. 72.

We, in these days, acknowledge no such saints; we have even done our best to dethrone Mary Magdalene; but we have martyrs "by the pang without the palm" and one, at least, among these who has not died without lifting up a voice of eloquent and solemn warning; who has borne her palm on earth, and whose starry crown may be seen on high even now amid the constellations of Genius. Vol. ii. p. 386.

Two universal spheres proceed from the Lord to preserve the universe in its created state; of which the one is the sphere of procreating, and the other the sphere of protecting the things procreated, n. 386. These two universal spheres make a one with the sphere of conjugial love and the sphere of the love of infants, n. 387.

In the south Atlantic States there were 591,478 owners and 118,678 tenants; in north Central States, 1,563,386 owners and 644,493 tenants, and in the Western States, 309,057 owners and 52,164 tenants. Our foreign commerce for the year 1910 amounted in the aggregate to about $3,500,000,000, or over $1,250,000,000 more than in 1900. Our exports were valued at $2,000,000,000.

Hence the priests, who should be leaders in education, are, generally speaking, the most formidable opponents of every form of school. The census shows that only 386,000 natives in the whole of India possess a knowledge of English, and this number includes all the girls, boys and young men under instruction.

Haji Khalfa cites only the astrological books of Omar Ibn Farrukhan I, 198 and V, 35, 386. Umar ibn Farrukhan is mentioned in the section of books on astronomy, mathematics, physics, mechanics, and music. In this group are mentioned a number of writers who composed works on these sciences, beginning with Euclid and ending with the contemporary authors of an-Nadhin.

The revenues of the Department for the year ending June 30, 1866, were $14,386,986 and the expenditures $15,352,079, showing an excess of the latter of $965,093. In anticipation of this deficiency, however, a special appropriation was made by Congress in the act approved July 28, 1866.

Having refused to acknowledge his fault, and thereby exhausted the forbearance of the King, he was put upon his trial, convicted of the crime of lèse-majesté, and condemned to lose his head. The sentence was carried into execution in the court of the Bastille on the 31st of July 1602. Guichenon, Histoire de Savoie. Daniel, Histoire de France, vol. vii. p. 386.