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On 17 February 1932 the first local Bahá’í Assembly, that of Chicago, adopted papers of incorporation which, together with those adopted by that of New York City on 31 March of that year, were to become a pattern for such instruments throughout the world.

It became, at last, too destructive to be indulged in at all. During the last great European war in 1932, while three emperors, two kings and several princes were parleying together, a monster oxyhydrogen shell exploded near them and created fearful havoc. All the royal personages were blown to atoms, as were also many of their attendants.

Tunnel after tunnel through solid rock, the most superb masonry and bridges wherever streams intervene, the best of ballast to make an enduring roadbed all these indicate the style of the new, not "improved" but utterly reconstructed, line which is building for Japan's benefit at China's expense at China's expense directly if she buys it back in 1932, at China's expense indirectly if she doesn't.

On New Year's day, 1932, a union prayer meeting of all nations is to convene under the dome of St. Peter's at Rome. It will be continued daily for two weeks. At least ten languages will be used by those there assembled for united worship.

It is for us, we Bahá’í youths, who have been entrusted with this divine mission, to do our utmost and rest only when the task has been carried to its successful conclusion. In his moments of prayer and meditation at the Shrines Shoghi Effendi will think of you and ask for you divine guidance and help.... 24 February 1932 Dear Dr.

The Afro-American community felt the Depression sooner and harder than did the rest of the country. By 1932, the government believed that 38 percent of the Afro-American community was incapable of self-support and in need of government relief. At the same time, it considered that only 17 percent of the white community fell into this category.

Its model exhibited at Art centers, galleries, state fairs and national expositionsamong which may be mentioned the Century of Progress Exhibition, held in Chicago in 1933, where no less than ten thousand people, passing through the Hall of Religions, must have viewed it every dayits replica forming a part of the permanent exhibit of the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago; its doors now thronged by visitors from far and near, whose number, during the period from June, 1932 to October, 1941 has exceeded 130,000 people, representing almost every country in the world, this greatSilent Teacherof the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, it may be confidently asserted, has contributed to the diffusion of the knowledge of His Faith and teachings in a measure which no other single agency, operating within the framework of its Administrative Order, has ever remotely approached.

We have our difficulties, true but we are a wiser and a tougher nation than we were in 1929, or in 1932. Never have there been six years of such far-flung internal preparedness in our history.

Therein lies the secret of the loftiness, of the potency, of the unique position of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár as one of the outstanding institutions conceived by Bahá’u’lláh. Dearly-beloved friends! May we not as the trustees of so priceless a heritage, arise to fulfill our high destiny? Your true brother, SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, October 25, 1929. Letter of July 17, 1932.

Mühlschlegel: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated Feb. 13th, 1932. He was very glad to know that you have recovered your health and can resume your work as well as services to the Cause. We surely cannot afford seeing the competent servants of the Faith handicapped by their health. They are too few to be spared so easily.