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When he had completed this, "wonderful to say, the sea ceased to rage and became tranquil". Surtees Society Publications, i, p. 177. Narrabo igitur primo opera artis et naturae miranda.... ut videatur quod omnis magica potestas sit inferior his operibus et indigna.

This was built in 1883, has a water-shed of 3,148 acres, a storage capacity of 450,000,000 gallons, and lies 260 feet above the City Hall. There are also three distributing reservoirs at elevations of 177 to 184 feet above the level of Main street, and supplied from the two principal reservoirs. Thirty-inch mains connect the reservoirs with the city.

See ante, iii. 48, and iv. 177. Windham visited him at Ashbourne in the end of August, after the former of these letters was written. See ante, p. 356. This may refer, as Mr. Croker says, to Hamilton's generous offer, mentioned ante, p. 244. Yet Johnson, with his accurate mind, was not likely to assign to the spring an event of the previous November. Johnson refers to Pope's lines on Walpole:

I should have been sorry to have missed any of the inconveniencies, to have had more light or less rain, for their co-operation crowded the scene and filled the mind. Ib. p. 177. See post, v. 334 for the splendid passage in which, describing the emotions raised in his mind by the sight of Iona, he says:

Whilst Bishop of Lyons, from A.D. 177 to 202, he employed the five and twenty years in propagating the Christian faith in Gaul, and in defending, by his writings, the Christian doctrines against the discord to which they had already been subjected in the East, and which was beginning to penetrate to the West. In 202, during the persecution instituted by Septimius Severus, St.

174. +unum necessarium or one thing needful. Arnold refers here, and in his subsequent chapter title, Porro Unum est Necessarium, to Luke 10:42. Here is the context, 10:38-42. King James Bible. 177. +Romans 11:34. "For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?" King James Bible. 189-90. +Romans 2:21-22.

"The English Cathedral of the Nineteenth Century," 1861, p. 195. See also Dean Stubbs' "Historical Memorials of Ely Cathedral," pp. 151, 152. The largest of these bells, weighing 6,280 pounds, was called by Walsingham's name. Bentham, pp. 221, 222. "Handbook," ed. Stubbs, 20th ed., p. 29. Ibid., p. 83. The full epitaph is given on p. 84. Bentham, pp. 177, 178.

At the biggest of them all, and the finest, the same No. 177 where the janitor's assistant "shooed" the children away with his club, the once dismal yard had been festooned with electric lamps that turned night into day, and about the band-stand danced nearly three thousand boys and girls to the strains of "Money Musk," glad to be alive and there. A ball-room forsooth!

There are in the United States Forest Service 1059 Forest Guards, 1247 Forest Rangers, 233 Supervisors, and Deputy Supervisors, and 115 Forest Assistants and 177 Forest Examiners who, as already explained, are the technical men in charge of practical forestry on the National Forests.

A plenary indulgence similar to those granted for pilgrimage to Rome in Jubilee-years. See above, p.18. See Theses 53-55. See Thesis 75. See Thesis 35. See Thesis 27. Weimar Ed., I, 63 ff.; Erl. Ed., I, 101 ff. Weimar Ed., I, 94 ff,; Erl. Ed., I, 171 ff., 177 ff. See Thesis 1. See Thesis 4. See Letter to Archbishop, below. The text of this Instruction in Kapp, Sammlung, etc. , pp. 117-206.