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"Nothin a-tall, that ain't. But the li'l green pea ain't under that shell. Listen here, Swing, old-timer, I got a long and gashly tale of wickedness to pour into those lily-white mule ears of yores. Yep, if it wasn't me a-telling it I'll bet you'd think it was a fairy tale." "I might even so," said the sceptical Swing. "But I don't mind. I'm good-natured to-day. I feel just like being lied to.

"That seems convincing," said Shorty. "Then look at this," said the gambler, producing another paper. It read: "Deer Bat: Got yore $100 all right, but doant send by that man again. He's shaky, and talks too much. Bring it yourself, or put it in an envelope directed to me, & drop it in my box. Yores, "Billings."

I tel U now. He spile yore fun Onless at once U send mi Gunn. Yores til deth, The reception of this perturbed Shorty to his depths. He had not forgotten his promise to Sammy merely postponed its execution under the pressure of other engrossments.

"It's yore sister I want, Miss Dale yore oldest sister." "You must mean Mrs. Morgan. She lives " "No, I don't mean her. Yore oldest sister, Miss. Her whose hoss was taken by mistake in Farewell yesterday." "That was my horse." "Yores! But they said it was an old lady's hoss! Are you shore it " "Of course I'm sure. Did you bring him back?... Where?... The corral?"

"What business is it of yores?" "What'll Nebraska say?" he proffered. "Nebraska hell!" she sneered. "Nebraska and me are through!" "I know you've split, but that ain't saying Nebraska will let you go with another gent." "I'll go with anybody I please, and neither Nebraska nor you nore any other damn man is gonna stop me. If you think different, try it, just try it! Thassall I ask.

He held out a letter to the Judge. Judge Dolan took the letter and read it carefully. Then he looked across at Luke Tweezy. "This here," said he, tapping the letter with stiffened forefinger, "is a signed letter from Dale to you. It seems to be a reply in the negative to a letter of yores askin' him to sell his ranch." The Judge paused and glanced round the room.

This letter was written, and Bayne made it as oleaginous as language permits; and there the matter rested apparently. But, as usual, after the polite came the phonetic. Next week Henry got a letter thus worded: "MISTER LITL, If them grinders of yores dosent send their money i shall com an' fech strings if the devil stans i' t' road. Mr.

He looks to me tricky rather than game. Take him by surprise. Then crawl his hump sudden. With which few well-chosen words I close. Yores sincerely, Well-wisher, as these guys sign themselves when they write to the papers." All through the rest of the day Bob was depressed. He felt as cheerful as a man about to be hanged. Why couldn't they let him alone?

Two red spots flared on the white skin of her cheeks. "Dam yore soul!" swore the lady. "I want my dog! How many tunes I gotta ask you, huh? Where is he? Say somethin', you dumb lump of slum gullion!" "He ain't yore dog!" denied the burly youth. "He never was yores! He's mine, you !" Which last was putting it pretty strongly, even for the time, the place, and the girl.