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I: 'Our ship ... is tight and yare. Also Antony and Cleopatra, v, II: 'yare, yare, good Iras; quick. Ray gives it as a Suffolk word, and the 'hear, hear' of Lowestoft boatmen of to-day is probably a disguised 'yare, yare'. p. 226 Livery and Seisin. A very common error for the legal term 'livery of seisin' which signifies the delivery of property into the corporal possession of a person.

A master was found in a French emigre, the Rev. Thomas D'Eterville, who gave private lessons to Borrow, among others, in French, Italian and Spanish. His other teachers were an old musket with which he shot bullfinches, blackbirds and linnets, a fishing rod with which he haunted the Yare, and the sporting gent, John Thurtell, who taught him to box and accustomed him to pugilism.

"Come out, Yare," he said, quietly. "Any word? What word is arson, eh?" The man did not move. Holmes touched him with the stick. "Come out," he said. He came out, looking gaunt, as with famine. "I'll not flurr myself," he said, crunching his ragged hat in his hands, "I'll not." He drove the hat down upon his head, and looked up with a sullen fierceness. "Yoh've got me, an' I'm glad of 't.

"Stephen, then," holding out his hand, "sence old times dawn't shame yoh, Stephen. That's hearty, now. It's only a wured I want, but it's immediate. Concernin' Joe Yare, Lois's father, yoh know? He's back." "Back? I saw him to-day, following me in the mill. His hair is gray? I think it was he." "No doubt. Yes, he's aged fast, down in the lock-up; goin' fast to the end. Feeble, pore-like.

They piled up comforts and blankets in the cart, and she lay on them quite snugly, her scarred child's-face looking out from a great woollen hood Mrs. Howth gave her. Old Yare held Barney, with his hat in his hand, looking as if he deserved hanging, but very proud of the kindness they all showed his girl. Holmes gave him some money for a Christmas gift, and he took it, eagerly enough.

The management was not strict, and in case of a fire the mill was not insured: like Knowles's carelessness. It was Lois and her father, Joe Yare being feeder that night. They were in one of the great furnace-rooms in the cellar, a very comfortable place that stormy night.

I had to ask my way more than once before I could find out the tavern, which lay down on the quay, over against the river Yare. By this I soon saw that the "Three-decker" had a reputation not over and above savoury among the townsfolk, for the more respectable of those I addressed myself to gave me harsh looks before answering my question.

It is chiefly seen in the neighbourhood of Norwich, and consists of beds of incoherent sand, loam, and gravel, which are exposed to view on both banks of the Yare, as at Bramerton and Thorpe. As they contain a mixture of marine, land, and fresh- water shells, with bones of fish and mammalia, it is clear that these beds have been accumulated at the bottom of a sea near the mouth of a river.

"I'll make you a New-Year's call," he said, going out; and she called out that she should be sure to expect him. She seemed so strong that Holmes and Mrs. Polston and Margret, who were there, were going home; besides, old Yare said, "I'd like to take care o' my girl alone to-night, ef yoh'd let me," for they had not trusted him before.

It seems that on the Yare are little boats out together very slightly, for the purpose of carrying a man, his gun, and dog over the shallows of Braydon, in pursuit of the flights of wild-fowl which at certain seasons haunt these shoals. When the boat is thus loaded, it only draws two or three inches of water, and is quite unfit for sea.