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He came to lean upon O'Moy's writing-table, facing the adjutant. "Surely, sir, our interests England's interests and Portugal's are one in this." "To be sure. But England's interests can be defended elsewhere than in Portugal, and it is Lord Wellington's view that they shall be.

What about her promise to her old Nannie? Had she not crossed her heart and given her word that she would always let her know where she had gone? She moved swiftly to the writing-table, took a sheet of paper and hastily wrote a line; then looked round for some place to leave the message. Wellington whimpered as he stood with his fore-feet on the book.

But though Vavasor's private lodgings were so very private, he had, nevertheless, taken some trouble in adorning them. The furniture in the sitting-room was very neat, and the book-shelves were filled with volumes that shone with gilding on their backs. The inkstand, the paper-weight, the envelope case on his writing-table were all handsome.

It is in the drawer of my writing-table. Whatever can I have done with my keys?" And while the hostess, who seemed to possess about as much intelligence as her starling, was turning the whole office upside down looking for her keys, Lecoq scrutinized her closely. She was about forty years of age, with an abundance of light hair, and a very fair complexion.

He helped himself to a whisky and soda, being an old visitor and one used to the Bohemian ways of my household; then setting his glass upon a corner of my writing-table, he dropped into the armchair and began in leisurely fashion to fill his pipe. Although the hour was growing late, sunset was still a long way off and the prospect visible through the window was bathed in golden light.

Guerchard went back to M. Formery at the writing-table. "You made a clumsy mistake there, Guerchard," said M. Formery, with a touch of gratified malice in his tone. Guerchard took no notice of it: "I want you to give orders that nobody leaves the house without my permission," he said, in a low voice. "No one except Mademoiselle Kritchnoff, I suppose," said M. Formery, smiling.

The absurdity of any return to his former state had never been more established. The remainder of the night he spent in the same way as many others. He drew his writing-table up to the open window, and with the lights of the city and the river spread out before him, and the faint wind blowing into the room, he worked at his novel. A foretaste of autumn had crept into the midst of summer.

But she had been so long bringing herself to the point of resolution in the matter, she had so firmly convinced herself that her duty lay along that dark and obscure path, that she clung to her purpose. After dinner, when she came downstairs from putting Ariadne to bed, she found him already bent over the writing-table, covering a sheet of paper with figures.

"I wonder where the fellow is to be found. At the Russian Embassy, I suppose," observed the duke, as he turned to his writing-table. "No, not there. The Count de Volaski has withdrawn or been dismissed from the Embassy. It is not certainly known which. He is, meanwhile, at the Trois Freres. He has the honor of being my fellow-lodger," suavely observed the colonel.

Then, setting down their empty glasses, the three men parted in more loving-kindness, it might well be, than what had marked some early stages of their conversation. Prynne, when left alone, called for candles and sat down to his writing-table. The Jerseymen walked together towards Temple Bar.