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I declare to ye that Pontius Pilate, a man dead two hundred years, dragged up with the lake slime coverin' him and fishes wrigglin' inside of him widout eyes, and in the discomposition of the body, sits there, sir, and washes his hands in the bowl I hold for him on Good Fridays. 'Twas so commanded." Clearly, the matter had progressed far beyond the scope of the Bugle's local column.

He told me to put out for town and get you and Jim Laramie; he's out of his head, you see." "Did they see you, Bradley?" interrupted Laramie. "Never seen me, Jim." "Did Barb hit either of them?" asked Laramie. "'Tain't likely. He only got in one shot. When they seen him wrigglin' on the ground, all doubled up you know, Jim they jumped their horses and put across the creek."

"Just as soon as I begin to look at them wrigglin' in the wind, and I am beginnin' to wonder what it is I think about them, I go slam bang to sleep, and when I wake up and try to think again what it is I think, off I go again. But I like it. If I don't know what it is I think, I ought to know that I don't know it. That's what I call bein' really and truly a hermick."

Will ye take the bird for a gift, or would ye rather have sixpence to wring its neck?" "Both," suggested Mr Philp with promptitude. "What yer wrigglin' for like that, at the back o' my chair, you Tabb's child?" asked Mr Rogers, whose paralysis prevented his turning his head. "Offer for 'n, master!" whispered Fancy. Mr Rogers, if he heard, made no sign. "D'ye mean it?" he inquired of 'Bias.

Lenox there caught him in the collar an' gin him a jerk that'd 'a' landed him on his back," said Dick, "if," turning to John, "you hadn't helt holt of him. You putty nigh broke his neck. He went off he, he, he, he, ho! wrigglin' it to make sure." "I used more force than was necessary, I'm afraid," said Billy Williams's pupil, "but there wasn't much time to calculate."

"'So long as I did not think, sez Love-o'-Women, 'so long I did not see I wud not see but I can now, what I've lost. The time an' the place, he sez, 'an' the very words I said whin ut pleased me to go off alone to hell. But thin, even thin, he sez, wrigglin' tremenjus, 'I wud not ha' been happy. There was too much behind av me.

I were a soldier once an' a tur'ble drinker, but Mary Lord, sir, 'tis wonnerful how good a good woman can be an' how bad a bad 'un can be though she's generally made bad, I've noticed! Damme, sir, axin' your parding but damme notwithstanding, there's some men as I'd like to 'ave wrigglin' on the end of a bagnet!"

Someone moved, his feet making a crunching noise in the cinders. The sergeant's voice snarled out: "You men are at attention. Quit yer wrigglin' there, you!" The men nearest the offender looked at him out of the corners of their eyes. Two officers, far out on the parade ground, were coming towards them.

If you'll kindly consent to keep an eye on him, ma'am, till I run down for a comrade, I'll be greatly obleeged. There's no fear of his wrigglin' out o' that, ma'am; you may make your mind easy." "My mind is quite easy, policeman; you may go. I shall watch him." When the man had left, Miss Stivergill ordered the servants to leave the kitchen.

"Set still, ye beast, an' stop ye'r wrigglin'," Jake ordered. "Ye'r only gettin' what's comin' to ye. Ye'll git a darn sight more if ye don't keep quiet." Away from the wharf and the main highway Ben was borne, and across an open meadow to a deep slimy frog-pond on the edge of a large swamp. Here he was dumped unceremoniously upon the ground, and ordered to remove his clothes.