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To be sure it does look rather strikin' on a white house; but then variety helps to relieve the monotony of a dead alive town like Durford; and if he don't like it plain, he can trim it green. I'll teach him to come paintin' my house without so much as a by-your-leave, or with-your-leave, lettin' the whole place think things."

And now 'ere's you, love, carted off with never a with-your-leave or by-your-leave, just because the doctor's tired of it and thinks 'e'd like a change. There's no question of whether you're tired or not oh, my, no!" "But he has to earn the money, Tilly. It isn't quite fair to put it that way," protested her friend. "Well!

But who, except enthusiasts, was to treat religion seriously? when one saw the doddering Head of Religion yearly flouted, kicked about and hustled in his own capital by his Barbarian Highness the 'King' so he must now style himself and be styled, where in better days 'Count Palatine' or 'Lord Marcher' would have served his turn well enough of Ts'in or Tsin or Ts'i or Ts'u, who would come thundering down with his chariots when he pleased, and without with-your-leave or by-your-leave, march past the very gates of Honanfu; and lucky if he did march past, and not come in and stay awhile; on his way to attacking his Barbarian Highness the 'King' of somewhere else.

Is there any objections to my having a friend on my own pond, seein' that there is nigh on two or three ton of other people's friends on it 108 without as much as a with-your-leave or a by-your-leave." "Oh, no," said Fairholme, somewhat dashed. "If you are satisfied there can be no objection." "I'm glad on it. I thought there mout be."

He's Tom Smith, the hawker, and he'd got his van in a field nigh 'pon the top of Woodend Lane last night put it there without a with-your-leave or a by-your-leave! Trespassing, that's what he was, and that's another thing you can have him up for. He was there to kidnap a child and a dog what he said was his; but I'll bet they wasn't and that's another thing against him.

At the age of eighteen she had been made the subject of a marriage treaty between her mother and this learned man of fifty a treaty conducted by correspondence and without any by-or- with-your-leave of hers. It may be doubted whether she had done much more than see and quiz her husband until she was brought to his house, to be mistress of that and slave of its master.