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The puppet-show was shut up sooner than he expected; but the jester had kept his most wonderful mot for the last. "Dieu me pardonnera," he said. "C'est son métier." "Der Bahn, der kühnen, folgen wir, Die uns geführt Lassalle." Such is the Marseillaise the Social Democrats of Germany sing, as they troop out when the police break up their meetings.

He stations them at the side of the road right square in front of Old Man Wisner's house, and he tells them to play everything they knew and then play it all over again, and keep on playing. We was setting eating dinner, enjoying their music as much as we could, when the leader of the band comes in; and says he: "Mein Herr, wir sind schon ausgeblasen." "Is that so?" says Old Man Wright.

I've great faith in the honesty of these Innsbruck people, notwithstanding the craze of some of them that property is theft. That worthy man yesterday was right, I expect. I hear that the proprietor had had a threatening letter not long ago to this effect: "'Sein thun unser Dreissig, Schuren thun wir fleissig. Dem Armen that's nichts Dem Reichen schad's nichts.

The Laird wis aye spakin' and spakin' o' getting yon things 'at they ca' lichthooses upo' wir isles, and he wad say hoo puir seafaring men wis drooned, and ships broken into shallmillins upo' the baus and skerries a' for want o' a licht upo' the laund. And, thinks I, there's plenty o' pates in Boden, and a gude pair o' haunds here tae mak a roogue 'at should lowe a muckle lowe ony nicht.

The writer goes on to remark that when such a band of armed youths, all of the same age, always closely associated with each other, are represented as Dancers, and always as Dancers "dann haben wir unabweislich das Bild eines Waffentanzes vor unseren Augen" and Professor von Schroeder is undoubtedly right.

Was aber das Elend auf den hochsten Gipfel bringt, sind die immer abwechselnden Vorruckungen und Zuruckziehungen beider Armeen, da selbst die, so sich unsre Freunde nennen, beim Abzuge alles mitnehmen und verheeren, und wenn sie wieder kommen, gleich viel wieder herbei geschafft haben wollen. Von Dero Gerechtigkeit, Sire, hoffen wir Hulfe in dieser aussersten Noth.

In industry, in commerce, in the army, and in the navy, the work of mind was everywhere apparent. "Aus einem Lernvolk wollen wir ein Thatvolk werden" was the new watchword. No doubt there was much that was defective. When it came to actual war in 1914, it turned out that Germany had not adequately thought out her military problems.

"Saufen Bier, und Brante-wein, Schmeissens alle die Fenstern ein; lch ben liederlich, Du bist liederlich; Sind wir nicht liederlich Leute a!" "Well said, my hearty Captain!" cried Glossin, endeavouring to catch the tone of revelry "Gin by pailfuls, wine in rivers, Dash the window-glass to shivers!

A reader of German newspapers and tracts gets at last a feeling of nausea at the very words Wir Deutsche, followed by the eternal Helden, Heldenthum, Heldenthat, and is inclined to thank God if he indeed belong to a nation sane enough to be composed of Händler.

The black color signifies our grief, the red signifies blood." And suddenly he commenced to sing: "Noch trauera wir im schwarzeu Racherkleide Um den gestorbnen Muth, Doch fragt man Euch, was dieses Roth bedeute; Das deutet Frankenblut!" "Mit Gott! Einst geht hoch uber Feindesleichen Der Stern des Friedens auf; Dann pflanzen wir ein weisses Siegeszeichen Am freien Rheinstrom auf."