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If, at about the beginning of next month, you should hear a deafening squeal of joy ring through this city, it will be the infants of New York and their parents receiving the news that Cosy Moments stands where it did. May I count on your services, Comrade Wilberfloss? Excellent. I see I may.

White has given no sanction for the alterations in the paper?" A puzzled look crept into Psmith's face. "I think, Comrade Wilberfloss," he said, "we are talking at cross-purposes. You keep harping on Comrade White and his views and tastes. One would almost imagine that you fancied that Comrade White was the proprietor of this paper." Mr. Wilberfloss stared. B. Henderson Asher stared.

Wilberfloss, who shrank a little beneath his gaze. Psmith had risen to greet him. "Won't you sit down?" he said. "I prefer to stand." "Just as you wish. This is Liberty Hall." Mr. Waring again glanced at Mr. Wilberfloss. "What I have to say is private," he said. "All is well," said Psmith reassuringly.

Wilberfloss, "you imagine that I intend to take your word in this matter, you are mistaken. I shall cable Mr. White to-day, and inquire whether these alterations in the paper meet with his approval." "I shouldn't, Comrade Wilberfloss. Cables are expensive, and in these hard times a penny saved is a penny earned. Why worry Comrade White?

"I never heard of such a thing," said Mr. Wilberfloss. A faint, sad smile played across Psmith's face. "Do you remember, Comrade Waterman I fancy it was to you that I made the remark my commenting at our previous interview on the rashness of confusing the unusual with the improbable? Here we see Comrade Wilberfloss, big-brained though he is, falling into error." "I shall dismiss Mr.

"It is no stranger that you see before you, no mere irresponsible lounger who has butted in by chance. That is Comrade J. Fillken Wilberfloss, the editor of this journal." "The editor? I understood " "I know what you would say. You have Comrade Windsor in your mind. He was merely acting as editor while the chief was away hunting sand-eels in the jungles of Texas.

He possessed the art of saying the same obvious thing in a number of different ways to a degree which is found usually only in politicians. If Mr. Wilberfloss had been a politician, he would have been one of those dealers in glittering generalities who used to be fashionable in American politics. "There is just one thing," he continued "Mrs.

J. Fillken Wilberfloss returned and found the apple of his eye torn asunder and, so to speak, deprived of its choicest pips. On the other hand . . . His brow suddenly cleared. After all, what was the sack? One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name, and he would have no name as long as he clung to his present position. The editor would be away ten weeks.

He glanced inquiringly at the little man with the peeled nose. "My name is Wilberfloss," said the other with austerity. "Will you be so good as to tell me where Mr. Windsor is?" A murmur of approval from his followers. "In one moment," said Psmith. "First, however, let me introduce two important members of our staff. On your right, Mr. Bat Jarvis. On your left, Mr. Long Otto.

By a singular stroke of good fortune Comrade Wilberfloss his name is Wilberfloss has been ordered complete rest during his holiday. The kindly medico, realising the fearful strain inflicted by reading Cosy Moments in its old form, specifically mentioned that the paper was to be withheld from him until he returned." "And when he does return, what are you going to do?"