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They could, however, on Saturday afternoon secure permission to go into the town. Any change outside of the Academy walls now became welcome, though our young midshipmen had no other form of pleasure than merely to stroll through the streets of the town and occasionally regale themselves with a dish of ice-cream or a glass of soda at Wiegard's.

Dan left Bancroft Hall quite certain that his chum would not be along for at least an hour. At the gate Dan made his report of liberty, then kept on up Maryland Avenue. As he turned into State Circle he slowed up a trifle, glancing in through the door at Wiegard's.

"Yes; you'll probably find me on Main Street, though you can look in at Wiegard's on the way." Wiegard's is the famous confectionery shop where cadets go for candy, for ices or soda fountain drinks. If upper class men and young ladies are plentiful in Wiegard's, however, prudent fourth class men keep right on without stopping.

Strolling slowly the young people at last neared State Circle. "I thought midshipmen didn't tell fibs," suddenly remarked Belle. "They're not supposed to," Dave replied. "But you said Dan was at the ball game." "Isn't he?" "Look there!" Belle exclaimed dramatically. Just entering Wiegard's were Midshipman Dalzell and a very pretty young woman. Dan had not caught sight of his approaching friends.

"I know you have, Danny," Darrin replied sympathetically. Dan Dalzell bounded to his feet. "What?" he gasped. "Is the story going the rounds?" "It can't be." "Then did you hear what we were saying this afternoon in Wiegard's?" "No; we were too far away for that. But I judged that you had succeeded in making Mrs. Henshaw feel very uncomfortable for a few moments."

Wiegard conducts a public confectioner's place. It's the approved place for any midshipman to take a young lady for ice cream. Do you feel that you'd like some ice cream?" "No," Belle replied honestly. "But I'd like to get a closer look at Dan's latest." So Dave led his sweetheart into Wiegard's.

Somehow the dazed midshipman managed to reply gracefully, and to follow his fair companion from Wiegard's. "Poor Dan!" sighed Dave. "I'll wager that's the worst crusher that Dalzell ever had. But how do you read so much at a glance, Belle?" "By keeping my eyes moderately well opened," that young woman answered simply.

"No; it was very different kind of game," Belle smiled. "Dave, you'll find that Dan is incurable. He's going to keep on trying with women until " "Until he lands one?" questioned Dave. "No; until one lands him. Dave, I wonder if it would be too terribly prying if we were to turn into Wiegard's too?" "I don't see any reason why it should be," Darrin answered. "Mr.