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If you was to mix a sneeze with what you said, an' paid little or no attention to the sense, p'raps it would be French but I ain't sure. I only wish you heard Cappen Wopper hoistin' French out of hisself as if he was a wessel short-handed, an' every word was a heavy bale.

At a concert at which Filtsch played, Chopin introduced Stephen Heller to Wessel or to a representative ofthat firm, but afterwards remarked: "You won't find them pleasant to deal with." Chopin at any rate did not find them pleasant to deal with. Hearing that Gutmann was going to London he asked his pupil to call at Wessel's and try to renew the contract which had expired.

On the evening of the next day, the 17th, we weighed, and steered West by South across the Gulf; and in the afternoon of the 18th passed eleven miles from Cape Wessel, according to the position assigned to it in the chart: but as the weather was tolerably clear, and nothing was seen of it, there appeared to be some truth in the report I had previously heard of its being to the southward of the position given to it.

There was hurricanes ashore as tore up forests and blowed down towns, and there was gales at sea, even in them latitudes, as not the stoutest wessel ever launched could live in.

Elder Wessel wuz stunted, but he murmured instinctively sunthin' about our carryin' the Bible and the knowledge of heaven to 'em. Arvilly snapped out: "What good will that do if we carry private hells to burn 'em up before they die? A pretty help that is!

In 1471 his Cardinal-patron was elected Pope as Sixtus IV. The magnificence which characterized the poor peasant's son in his dealings with Italy, in his embellishment of Rome and the Vatican, was not lacking in his treatment of Wessel. 'Ask what you please as a parting gift', he said to the scholar, who was preparing to set out for Friesland.

She was lent by the Admiralty for the work in the year eighteen hundred and something, not to go out like the Ensign to the North Sea fleets, but to cruise about an' visit in the Thames. I was in the Swan myself for a few months when I was a young fellow, and we had grand times aboard of that wessel.

"There was a rat considered my ear with the air of a gourmet," he continued, dusting his hands on his breeches. "I told him in the rat's peculiar idiom that I was deadly poison, so he took himself off." "Let's hear of this night's lechery!" insisted Wessel angrily. Soft Shoes touched his thumb to his nose and wiggled the fingers derisively at Wessel. "Street gamin!" muttered Wessel.

One of these very likely Goswin of Halen as a boy had often served at table, when the two scholars were dining; and had afterwards shown them the way home with a lantern. He used to say that he had frequently pulled off Agricola's boots, when he came home the worse for his potations; but that no one had ever seen Wessel under the influence of wine.

'I thought, said Squeers, 'that you didn't bear him any particular good-will. But, I say, why didn't you take some money besides? 'Some what? asked Peg. 'Some money, roared Squeers. 'I do believe the woman hears me, and wants to make me break a wessel, so that she may have the pleasure of nursing me. Some money, Slider, money! 'Why, what a man you are to ask! cried Peg, with some contempt.