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On seeing his old friend Welland he quickly laid his head down again and remained motionless. Welland had not observed him. "You would scarcely believe it, sir," said the missionary, in a low tone; "nearly all classes of society are occasionally represented here.

I had a letter, too," he added after a little hesitation, due to the fact that he had intended telling Miss Welland about that letter first. Thus do confidences, once begun, inspire even the self-contained to further confidences. "You know there was a reporter up from Angelica City writing up the wreck." "Yes." "Gardner, his name is. A nice sort of fellow.

His joy was so deep that this blurring of the surface left its essence untouched; but he would have liked to keep the surface pure too. It was something of a satisfaction to find that May Welland shared this feeling. Her eyes fled to his beseechingly, and their look said: "Remember, we're doing this because it's right."

"Son-in-law!" exclaimed Mrs Frog. "Do you mean to say that Mr Welland, who used to come down an' preach in the lodgin'-'ouses in Spitalfields 'as married that sweet hangel Miss Di?" "I do mean that, mother. I could easily show him a superior angel, of course," said Bob with a steady look at Martha, "but he has done pretty well, on the whole."

Welland hastened to add, "your great-grandfather's money difficulties were private losses at cards, or signing a note for somebody I never quite knew, because Mamma would never speak of it. But she was brought up in the country because her mother had to leave New York after the disgrace, whatever it was: they lived up the Hudson alone, winter and summer, till Mamma was sixteen.

There were two other enterprises which the country took hold of very soon after their discovery. I refer to the canals and the telegraph. The first, the Lachine Canal, was commenced in 1821, and the Welland in 1824. The Montreal Telegraph Company was organized in 1847.

My legs are long, you see. Well, where are we to run to-day?" "Wherever you like," said Sam, "only let it be a short run, not more than forty miles, for I've got an appointment this afternoon with my old dad which I can't get off." "That'll do very well," said Welland, "so we can go round by " Here he described a route by country road and village, which we pretend not to remember.

Lady Constantine telegraphed from the junction to Warborne for a carriage to be in readiness to meet her on her arrival; and then, waiting for the down train, she travelled smoothly home, reaching Welland House about five minutes sooner than Swithin reached the column hard by, after footing it all the way from where they had parted.

He ceased his efforts, and thereby saved the last button which held his much too small waistcoat across his bare bosom. "What a sweet face the child she calls Lilly Snow has if it were only clean," observed Welland. "A little soap and water with a hair brush would make her quite beautiful."

The desire to be the first man to enter Mrs. Mingott's box, to proclaim to the waiting world his engagement to May Welland, and to see her through whatever difficulties her cousin's anomalous situation might involve her in; this impulse had abruptly overruled all scruples and hesitations, and sent him hurrying through the red corridors to the farther side of the house.