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On one occasion Portland was distinguished, not only by being selected to hold the waxlight in the royal bedroom, but by being invited to go within the balustrade which surrounded the couch, a magic circle which the most illustrious foreigners had hitherto found impassable. The Secretary shared largely in the attentions which were paid to his chief.

With high-flown speeches and benignities, on both sides; only that the Kaiser willed all men, Protestant and other, should in the mean while do the Popish litanyings, waxlight processionings and idolatrous stage-performances with him on the morrow, which was CORPUS-CHRISTI Day; and the Protestants could not nor would.

Then the cardinal put out the waxlight, slipped it into his pocket, and taking up the lantern: "Now," he said, "for Monsieur de la Fere." "Very good," thought D'Artagnan, "'tis our road likewise; we will go together." All three set off on their walk, Mazarin taking the middle alley and the friends the side ones.

In this way he had nearly got his little boat on to the rocks more than once, and had given some trouble to Sir Magnus. But now he was quite sure. "It's all there all round," he had said to Arbuthnot more than once. Arbuthnot said that it was there "all round, all round." Waxlight and daylight made no difference to her. She was always graceful.

"A Congo in the heat of the afternoon, a jig before sunset, la! I had rather plough by moonlight. As well be a grasshopper in a daisy field! Elegance by waxlight becomes rusticity in the sunshine, and of all things I would not be rustic! Oh, Mr. Cary, I've caught my gown in this rosebush!" Mr. Fairfax Cary knelt to release the muslin prisoner.

Soft waxlight, the ample shine of the fire, trained service, and housing from the chill spring night, abundant food and flask, all failed to bring up the spirits of Van Corlaer. Antonia did not return to the table. The servingmen went and came betwixt hall and cook-house.

Was not her white form fading into the moonlight? Scorning her own weakness, she went forth and perceived that a negro slave was waiting in the passage with a waxlight, which he held between her face and his own and regarded her, as she thought, with an ugly expression of merriment. Lifting his torch on high, the slave lighted her down the staircase and undid the portal of the mansion.

Repairing to my own little sea-green room, there also I found a bright fire, and candles too were lit: a tall waxlight stood on each side the great looking glass; but between the candles, and before the glass, appeared something dressing itself an airy, fairy thing small, slight, white a winter spirit. I declare, for one moment I thought of Graham and his spectral illusions.

The last waxlight was just dying out in the centre of a splendid candelabra on the middle of a table scattered about with claret-jugs, glasses, decanters, pine-apple tops, grape-dishes, cakes, anchovy-toast plates, devilled biscuit-racks all the concomitants of a sumptuous entertainment. 'Sir Harry at home? asked Mr.

She knelt down by the bed and prayed for courage to go through the task she had undertaken; prayed for self-control even she, the sinful, who had quitted that house under circumstances notorious. But I am not sure that this mode of return to it was an expedition precisely calculated to call down a blessing. There was no excuse for lingering longer, and she descended, the waxlight in her hand.