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A pedestrian, a man in respectable attire, but covered with dust from his gray gaiters to his green, visored cap, had entered through the gate and approached the table, unnoticed at first by the conversers. "Ah, Mr. Schmitz, so we see you too, once more, eh?" said the old peasant very cordially, and he had the servant bring the fatigued man the best there was in the wine-cellar.

Henry de Montfort advanced with haughty dignity until he faced the outlaw. "Be ye Norman of Torn?" he asked. And, did he try to conceal the hatred and loathing which he felt, he was poorly successful. "They call me so," replied the visored knight. "And what may bring a De Montfort after so many years to visit his old neighbor?" "Well ye know what brings me, Norman of Torn," replied the young man.

On his head he wore a visored cap with an extraordinary high crown; on his back a rather dingy coat cut from a Mackinaw blanket; on his legs trousers that had been "stagged" off just below the knees, heavy German socks, and shoes nailed with sharp spikes at least three-quarters of an inch in length. "Thought you were up in the woods!" Fox was exclaiming. "Where's Fagan?"

The caps were of visored naval pattern. "Say," asked Eph, looking about him, "I'm only a common sailor, at most. Ain't there any common sailor togs lying about?" "I don't know where," smiled Andrews. "I judge, from the togs, that we're all to be captains." So Eph, with a comical sigh, fitted himself to a uniform and donned it.

As to her hair, the local milliner declared it impossible for Rose Wiley to get an unbecoming hat; that on one occasion, being in a frolicsome mood, Rose had tried on all the headgear in the village emporium, children's gingham "Shakers," mourning bonnets for aged dames, men's haying hats and visored caps, and she proved superior to every test, looking as pretty as a pink in the best ones and simply ravishing in the worst.

And presently a grim procession overtook me, and at sight of the black, cowled and visored figures that advanced in the lurid light of their wax torches, I fell on my knees there in the street, and so remained, my knees deep in the mud, my head bowed, until her sainted body had been borne past. None heeded me.

The narrow iron bed had not yet been made up, and the bedclothes were in confusion on the back of a chair; the painted pine bureau was thick with dust; on it was the still unopened cologne bottle, its kid cover cracked and yellow under its faded ribbons, and three small photographs: Blair, a baby in a white dress; a little boy with long trousers and a visored cap; a big boy of twelve with a wooden gun.

My companions, for example: They were in appearance overwrought, looking about them continually, stopping entirely and drawing me with them into the shelter of a "door" when another man, this one wearing blue clothing and a visored hat appeared. Yet they were clearly devoted to me, at that moment, since they had put aside their own projects in order to escort me without delay to the Mafia. Mafia!

It was a duel, on the part of the fish- wives, against time, against the fate of the tides, against the blind forces of nature. For this combat the women were armed to the teeth, clad as they were in their skeleton muscular leanness; helmeted with their heads of iron; visored in the bronze of their skin and in wrinkles that laughed at the wind.

But he did not finish. Quick staccato footsteps were heard. Then a strange vision burst upon them Jonathan Radbourne accoutered for motoring, in visored cap and duster, with a huge pair of shell-rimmed goggles that sat grotesquely athwart his beaming countenance. On one arm he carried a veil and another coat. "Ready?"