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Or rather, call it 'visiplate'." "That's a good word. Mart, take a look if you want to see a set of perfect lenses and prisms." Crane looked into the visiplate and gasped. The vessel had disappeared he was looking directly down upon the Earth below him! "No trace of chromatic, spherical, or astigmatic aberration," he reported in surprise.

Then, with bewildering rapidity, he went into action; face glued to the visiplate, hands moving faster than the eye could follow the left closing and opening the switch controlling the zone of force, the right swinging the steering controls to all points of the sphere.

Olirzon was in the drawing room of the hotel suite when they returned, sitting on the middle of his spinal column in a reclining chair, smoking a pipe, dressing the edge of his knife with a pocket-hone, and gazing lecherously at a young woman in the visiplate.

Seaton stopped the Skylark and took his wife by the shoulder, swinging her around in front of the visiplate. "Look at that, Dot. Talk about rapid transit! They could give the New York subway a flying start and beat them hands down!" Dorothy looked into the visiplate and gasped. Six metal pipes, one above the other, ran above and parallel to each sidewalk-lane of water.

Norlamin close enough so that its image almost filled number six visiplate, the four wanderers studied it with interest. Partially obscured by clouds and with its polar regions two glaring caps of snow they would be green in a few months, when the planet would swing inside the orbit of its sun around the vast central luminary of that complex solar system it made a magnificent picture.

One section of the film was always under the viewing mechanism an optical system projecting an undistorted image into a visiplate plate somewhat similar to their own and at the touch of a lever, a small atomic motor turned the reels and moved the film through the projector. It was not an ordinary star-chart: it was three-dimensional, ultra-stereoscopic.

The Skylark dropped down into the midst of the fleet, which instantly turned against her the full force of their giant guns and their immense ray batteries. Seaton held the Skylark motionless, staring into his visiplate, his right hand grasping the zone-switch. "The outer screen isn't even getting warm!" he exulted after a moment.

As the Skylark approached the planet, Seaton swung number six visiplate upon it, and directed their flight toward a great army base. Darting down upon it, he snatched an officer into the airlock, closed the door, and leaped back into space. He brought the captive into the control room pinioned by auxiliary attractors, and relieved him of his weapons.

If you will look on the other side of the channel, you will see the intake end of the tubes going down-town." Seaton swung the visiplate around and they saw six rapidly-moving stairways, each crowded with people, leading from the ocean level up to the top of a tall metal tower.

Ten enormous supporting forces held the lens of neutronium immovable in the exact center of the upper end; at intervals down the shaft similar forces held variously-shaped lenses and prisms formed from zones of force; in the center of the bottom or floor of the towering structure was the double controlling system, with a universal visiplate facing each operator.