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But now the knocking had been followed by the opening of his bedroom door, and vaguely outlined before him was the short, squat form of an old woman who had entered his mother's service when he was a little boy, and who always stayed in his town house. "M'sieur l'Amiral de Saint Vilquier desires to see M'sieur Jacques on urgent business," she whispered.

"It is a question of honour," muttered Jacques de Wissant, "a question of honour, Admiral, or I should not trouble you with the matter." Admiral de Saint Vilquier leant forward, but Jacques de Wissant avoided meeting the shrewd, searching eyes. "The honour of a naval family is involved." The Mayor of Falaise was now speaking in a low, pleading voice. The Admiral stiffened. "Ah!" he exclaimed.

First the President of the French Republic, with, to his right, the Minister of Marine; and close behind them the stiff, still vigorous, figure of old Admiral de Saint Vilquier. By his side walked the Mayor of Falaise so mortally pale, so what the French call undone, that the Admiral felt fearful lest his neighbour should be compelled to fall out.

Like mother like daughter, you know!" Thus the miserable man tortured himself, turning the knife in his wound. But stay Supposing the salvage appliances failed, as they had failed at Bizerta, to raise the Neptune? Then with the help of Admiral de Saint Vilquier the awful truth might be kept secret. At last the door opened.

The end of the harbour jetty was already roped off, only those officially privileged being allowed through to the platform where now stood Admiral de Saint Vilquier impatiently waiting for the tug which was to take him out to the spot where the disaster had taken place.

The difficult work of unsealing the conning tower was then proceeded with in the presence of Admiral de Saint Vilquier, whose prowess as a midshipman is still remembered by British Crimean veterans and of the Mayor of Falaise, M. Jacques de Wissant. At last there came a guttural exclamation of "Ça y est!" and Dr.

But she knew that she must do what he asked. Jacques de Wissant sat at his desk in the fine old room which is set aside for the mayor's sole use in the town hall of Falaise. He was waiting for Admiral de Saint Vilquier, whom he had summoned on the plea of a matter both private and urgent.

Admiral de Saint Vilquier had no liking for M. de Wissant a cold prig of a fellow, and yet married to such a beautiful, such a charming young woman, the daughter, too, of one of the Admiral's oldest friends, of that Admiral de Kergouët with whom he had first gone to sea a matter of fifty years ago!

Tarnier " and as Jacques de Wissant gave vent to a stifled exclamation of dismay "of course I had to tell Dr. Tarnier! He has most nobly offered to go down into the Neptune alone though in doing so he will run considerable personal risk." Admiral de Saint Vilquier paused a moment, for the quick pace at which his companion was walking made him rather breathless.

The Mayor of Falaise and Admiral de Saint Vilquier did not often have occasion to meet during those days spent by each of them in entertaining official personages and in composing answers to the messages and inquiries which went on dropping in, both by day and by night, at the town hall and at the Admiral's quarters.