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Turning away from the mirror, she went and sat down again on the edge of the veille. Her mind had changed. She would go to the Dean's but not till it was dark. She suddenly thought it strange that the Dean had never said anything about the license. Why, again, perhaps he had. How should she know what gossip was going on in the town!

He readily entered the kitchen, still holding the handkerchief in his hand, but he did not give it to her. "Where will you sit?" she said, looking round. "I'm very busy. You mustn't mind my working," she added, going to the brass bashin at the fire. "This preserve will spoil if I don't watch it." He seated himself on the veille, and nodded his head. "I like this," he said. "I'm fond of kitchens.

The world seemed to be conspiring against him: the chorus of Fate was singing behind the scenes, singing of the happiness of others in sardonic comment on his own final unhappiness. Yet despite the pain of finality there was on him something of the apathy of despair. From another doorway came fragments of a song sung at a veille.

Colomberie Farm was glowing with warmth and light, and swarming with company on the evening of the twenty-first of December, for it was the special festival of longue veille. The spotless wooden table in the middle of the sanded floor was piled high with woollen goods of every kind, which had been knitted by men and women at former veilles.

Cecil took it wearily nothing but fresh embarrassments could come to him from England and looked at the little Lady Venetia. "Will you allow me?" She bowed her graceful head; with all the naif unconsciousness of a child, she had all the manner of the veille cour; together they made her enchanting.

In Jersey phrase, he saw beyond his spectacles great brass-rimmed things, giving a droll, childlike kind of wisdom to his red rotund face. Having issued her invitation, Maitresse Aimable smiled placidly and seemed about to leave, when, all at once, without any warning, she lowered herself like a vast crate upon the veille, and sat there looking at Guida.

He moved to the veille, and sat down. Guida busied herself at the fireplace, but listened intently. "I've certainly been my own enemy, whether the strokes were heavy or light," replied Detricand, lifting a shoulder ironically. "And a friend to Jersey at the same time, eh?" was the sneering reply. Detricand was in the humour to tell the truth even to this man who hated him.

IX, Part I , Regne de Louis XVI, 1774-1789, by H. Carre, P. Sagnac, and E. Lavisse, especially livres III, IV; Emile Levasseur, Histoire des classes ouvrieres et de l'industrie en France avant 1789, Vol. II , livre VII; Maxime Kovalevsky, La France economique et sociale a la veille de la Revolution, 2 vols.

A hundred years ago, however, there was a greater and more general lightness of heart and vivacity of spirit than now. Then the song of the harvester and the fisherman, the boat-builder and the stocking-knitter, was heard on a summer afternoon, or from the veille of a winter night when the dim crasset hung from the roof and the seaweed burned in the chimney.

The first performance of his Prophet had been preceded by the customary diner de la veille, and when Berlioz excused himself for staying away, Meyerbeer first reproached him tenderly, then challenged him to make good the great injustice he had done him, by writing 'a real nice article' about his opera.