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It was called theflying machineandfoot-going carriage,” while some even took it for thefire-wheel cart,” or locomotive, about which they had heard only the vaguest rumors. Their ignorance of its source of motive power often prompted them to name it theself-moving cart,” just as the natives of Shanghai are wont to call the electric-lightthe self-coming moon.”

After the game was over I went back to the Langham, for Fred and I had arranged to go to a theatre with Jack Ward; but I have only the vaguest idea of the performance I watched. I had slept badly the night before, and now that the match was over, nothing could keep me awake, so I had to be given up as hopeless, though Fred gave me an occasional dig with his elbow just to keep me from snoring.

Thus, for instance, the Roman Republic never assumed the definite design of conquering the world; its people had only the vaguest conception of whither the world might extend. They merely quarrelled with their neighbors, defeated and then annexed them. At almost any time after Hannibal's death, Rome might have marched her legions, practically unopposed, over all the lands within her reach.

Gretchen's good humor returned. "Whoever you are, sir," her tone no longer repellent, "you are amusing. Pray, tell us whom we have the honor to entertain?" "I haven't the vaguest idea who my hostess is," evasively. "It is quite out of the question. You are the intruder." "Call me Mr. Intruder, then," said I. It was, you will agree, a novel adventure. I was beginning to enjoy it hugely.

He had cast a glittering spell upon her, and nothing could ever be the same again. After a space she spoke at random and Fielding made reply. With the instinct of self-defence she maintained some species of casual conversation during their stroll back to the waiting car, but she never had the vaguest recollection afterwards as to what passed between them.

There was a coffee-house near the quay where it seemed just possible that he had slept; but even here the description was of the vaguest, and the person described might just as well have been John Smith as John Saltram. Gilbert dismissed the fly-man and his vehicle at last, thoroughly wearied out with that morning's work.

Dempster, the oracular sentences that all would be well in the end, and that Francis should be happy after a time, were of the vaguest description, while on positive matters they were decidedly misinformed." "It might have been a lying or mocking spirit," said Mr. Dempster; "my faith in the truth of these manifestations is not to be shaken by what you say."

Possibly by hunting among these and stirring up the mud I might replenish my stock of leeches. I had the vaguest notion how leeches were gathered, but the pursuit would at the worst give me an excuse for dawdling and spying out the land. The bank here was well guarded by patrols, between whom a number of peaceful citizens sat a-fishing.

How he would nurse the lily he had bruised and broken! From her own remorse he would shield her. He would be to her a summer land a refuge from the wind, a covert from the tempest. He would be to her like that Saviour for whom, in her wandering fancy, she had taken him: never more in vaguest thought would he turn from her.

The land granted to them was often very vaguely outlined, the fact being that the people who applied for the land, and those who drew up the charters, had only the vaguest ideas concerning the land in question. So the grants often overlapped each other, and the same land was frequently claimed by two people, and of course confusion and quarrels followed.