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Save your money, my lad, buy books, and determine to be somebody, and you may yet fill an honorable position." "I'll try," said Dick. "Good-night, sir." "Wait a minute, Dick," said Frank. "Your blacking-box and old clothes are upstairs. You may want them." "In course," said Dick. "I couldn't get along without my best clothes, and my stock in trade."

"No" she said, hanging her head. Mrs. Hopkins uttered a heavy sigh. "Oh, dear!" she said. "And as you sat in the parlor you could see the shop. You did not leave the parlor, did you?" For one minute Susy remembered that she had gone upstairs for an exercise-book, but she determined not to tell her mother of this further enormity. "I was either in the shop or in the parlor all the time.

"I will be there, you may depend on it." Soon after this we separated. I made my purchases, put off my departure until the next day, and at the appointed hour I was at Laura's door. My old friend met me at the entrance. "You have just come in time," said she, "for Horace Greenwood has just taken Olivia, one of the handsomest of my boarders, upstairs.

There was one old clergyman who seemed very suspicious when Eustace told him that Paul was abroad. He stood outside the house for quite a long time, banging his stick on the pavement and coughing in a nasty barking fashion. I was watching him through the curtains of an upstairs window. He left a tract behind called The Path is Straight but Narrow." "Did he wear whiskers?" "Yes; long ones."

Walter Clifford was quite recovered. Mrs. Milton reported she was quite well, and reading to her father. The Colonel went upstairs and beckoned her out. "My child," said he, "I am sorry to renew an agitating subject, but you are a good girl, and a brave girl, and you mean to confide in me sooner or later.

The ayah that the butler had engaged rose and followed her mistress upstairs, where she was ushered into her bath and dressing-room; while the butler, swelling with importance and joyous pride, led Hamilton to the large room he had prepared as a bedroom on the first floor.

The girl anxiously replied that her mistress was very seldom out now, even in a carriage; that she kept her room; that she saw no company, but would see me. Her mistress was up, she said, and Miss Dartle was with her. What message should she take upstairs? Its former pleasant air of occupation was gone, and the shutters were half closed. The harp had not been used for many and many a day.

"I got up there oh, it couldn't have been more than half-past seven. The Avery woman was lighting a fire for them. They were still upstairs. I waited in the drawing-room. We were all moderately civil and collected, though I had my suspicions. I gave them your message, and Mrs. Wilcox said, 'Oh yes, I see; yes, in that way of hers." "Nothing else?"

Will you men stand by us?" he addressed the Chinaman and the two Mexicans, who assured him that they had no love for Pesita and would fight for Anthony Harding in preference to going over to the enemy. "Good!" exclaimed Bridge, "and now for upstairs. They'll be howling around here in about five minutes, and we want to give them a reception they won't forget."

Gott bless you!" said the boy, and he hurried away to do his errand. Dennis walked up and down before the door on guard. Ernst soon returned, and carried the welcome food upstairs. After a little time he stole down again and said: "Father's quiet and queer like. Mother has given the children a good supper and put them to bed. Better come now."