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Annie said to Jack Wilmington, in undertone, "and get him into my carriage. I'll get the little girl. Lyra, don't speak of it." "Never!" said Mrs. Wilmington, with delight. "I'm solid for Mr. Peck every time."

But if I seem to be playing the fool ?" "That depends on yourself. But," Will added, with a twinkle in his eye, "there's just one piece of advice I should like to offer you." "Let me have it," replied the other eagerly. "Very good of you, old man, not to be bored." "Don't," said Warburton, in an impressive undertone, "don't persuade Mrs. Cross to change her grocer."

Then, after a pause, she added, as though she had but that moment thought of it, "Had a flying squirrel an' let him go." Invariably Maria Macapa made this answer. It was not always she would talk about the famous service of gold plate, but a question as to her name never failed to elicit the same strange answer, delivered in a rapid undertone: "Name is Maria Miranda Macapa."

None other most assuredly than himself alone could have mingled with the material passion of the elements such human passion of pathos as thrills in such tenderly sublime undertone of an agony so nobly subdued through the lament of Pericles over Thaisa.

Bud fired and knocked he gun out of his hand, then stepped over the man he suspected was Lew and caught the young fellow by the wrist. "You're Ed Collier by your eyes and your mouth," Bud said in a rapid undertone. "I'm going to get you out of this, if you'll do what I say. Will you?" "He got me in here, honest," the young fellow quaked. He couldn't be more than nineteen, Bud guessed swiftly.

Perhaps it was that the man's words, so often sharp and stinging with bitter sarcasm, seemed always to carry a hidden meaning that gave, as it were, glimpses of another nature buried deeply beneath a wreck of ruined dreams and disappointing achievements. Or, it may have been that, under all the cruel, world-hardness of the thoughts expressed, the young man sensed an undertone of pathetic sadness.

He stops as if to question his partner; he leans towards her, wishes to speak to her in an undertone. The lady turns away, does not listen, blushes. He takes off his cap, and salutes her respectfully. The lady is not disinclined to look at him, but persists in being silent. He slackens his pace, seeks to read in her eyes, and smiles.

"Will you allow me to say one word to my brother?" he inquired. "Do so; but what is it?" said the king in an undertone. "The fact is, that he wishes to use the utmost speed to execute the commission, and to return again immediately, which happens to interfere with my projects, sire, and with those of the cardinal." "Away with you, then, and rate this love-sick swain most roundly."

I know he looks at me as an astonishing creature, and marvels that I don't buy a good dose of chloral and have done with it." Eve did not join in his laugh. "I can't bear to hear you speak of your poverty," she said in an undertone. "You remind me that I am the cause of it." "Good Heavens! As if I should mention it if I were capable of such a thought!"

"Don't, Leander!" said Matilda, in an undertone; "let her alone, the poor thing!" She seemed to have quite forgotten that her fallen enemy had been dooming her to destruction the moment before; but there was something so tragic and moving in the sight of such despair that no true woman could be indifferent to it.