United States or Georgia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The old rule of Gregory X. prescribed that if an election were not made in three days, the cardinals should be supplied during the following five days with one dish only at dinner and one at supper; and if at the end of those five days the election was still uncompleted, the electors should be allowed only bread and water till they had accomplished their task.

He recalled all her enthusiasm in that still uncompleted purchase of Dandy, in her munificence to Hogan. He knew well that no matter how he might have misjudged Mrs. Truscott's motives he had no right or reason, whatever, in letting himself think that this brave, glorious, loyal girl could have been shaken one instant in her faith in his friend.

Only reluctance to cause needless loss of life and property prevented the early storming and capture of the city, and therewith the absolute military occupancy of the whole group. The insurgents meanwhile had resumed the active hostilities suspended by the uncompleted truce of December, 1897.

Thompson looked out of his cabin door to where he could see dimly through the trees the uncompleted bulk of his church and he set down a mental cipher against that account. It was waste effort. He felt in his heart that he would never finish it. What was the use?

The repair of sleeping-bags and the alteration of tents have already been done, but there are many other tasks uncompleted or not yet begun, such as the manufacture of provision bags, crampons, sealskin soles, pony clothes, &c. Hooper has another good sweep up the hut after breakfast, washes the mess traps, and generally tidies things.

The love of his home may be gathered from the fact that his letters have been preserved in an unbroken series, beginning from a country visit in 1834, after a slight attack of scarlet fever, written in the round-hand of a boy of seven years old, and finished off with the big Roman capitals FINIS, AMEN, and ending with the uncompleted sheets, bearing as their last date September 19, 1871.

"I have done very little at that, and the sketches I made are still uncompleted. Some day I may do something, but not now." "You certainly have lost all interest, Tom, in the things that once gave you so much pleasure." "It is only too true, although I have honestly tried to return to the old ways. But I must have a fling at something else to get this restless feeling out of my system.

The fiscal treaty of 1907 had not secured the peace expected of it; the prohibition against the contracting of further indebtedness had been frequently violated; disorder and corruption had continued; and the American government deemed its task uncompleted if it should surrender the country to the same chaotic conditions.

He was constantly absorbed in one overwhelming thought, consumed with a single desire that burned his entrails, gnawed more cruelly still by the ever-increasing agony of the duel he was fighting with himself since his passion for gold had turned to his own injury, a species of uncompleted suicide which kept him at once in the miseries of life and in those of death.

The vivid stain dyed his fingers and the touch of the warm tide only seemed to add to his terror. He went up to the still form and looked down. Then he backed away, slowly, step by step, but still unable to withdraw his fascinated gaze. Suddenly a cry broke from his lips. It was bitter, heartrending. Then a quick word followed. "Wher's " His question remained uncompleted.