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Its owners, new men in the occupation, were scouting wide, and when one of them discovered Hackberry Grove above the homestead, his delight was unbounded, as the range met every requirement for establishing a ranch. The tyro's exultation was brief.

He thought he could trace some of the mischief back to the professional knocks and jars Ocock's action had brought down on him: to hear one's opinion doubted, one's skill questioned, was the tyro's portion; he was too old to treat such insolence with the scorn it deserved.

"Love is not merchandise, to traffic with." Madame's cheeks grew warm. Sometimes the trick of fence is beaten down by a tyro's stroke. "Eh, bien, since it is not the countess " He came toward her so swiftly that instinctively she rose and moved to the opposite side of her chair. Something in his face caused her to shiver.

There are pleasanter situations than being left alone with twenty couple of even the best-mannered fox-hounds; far pleasanter situations than being left alone with such a tearing, frantic lot as composed Sir Harry Scattercash's pack. Sportsmen are so used (with some hounds at least) to see foxes 'in hand' that they never think there is any difficulty in getting them there; and it is only a single-handed combat with the pack that shows them that the hound does not bring the fox up in his mouth like a retriever. A tyro's first tête-

Old soldier, thou hast done a soldier's part in many a bloody field; but if I could make visible to the world thy brave soldier's soul, I would paint thee as I saw thee then! Out on this tyro's hand! At the movement I made, the Captain looked up, and the strife he had gone through was written upon his face. "It has done me good," said he simply, and he closed the book.

Old soldier, thou hast done a soldier's part in many a bloody field; but if I could make visible to the world thy brave soldier's soul, I would paint thee as I saw thee then! Out on this tyro's hand! At the movement I made, the Captain looked up, and the strife he had gone through was written upon his face. "It has done me good," said he simply, and he closed the book.

I'll try my luck, just for the experience. I'm bound to win. 'Why? asked the Prince. 'Because I always do, in games of chance, Racksole answered with gay confidence. 'It is my fate. Then to-night, you must remember, I shall be a beginner, and you know the tyro's luck. In ten minutes the croupier of that table was obliged to suspend operations pending the arrival of a further supply of coin.

The only difference between the two is the range at which this certainty exists. The tyro's limit of absolute certainty for the heart shot may be and probably is a hundred yards; for the high shoulder it may be as near as thirty.

The best things that a hunter brings home are in his heart, not in his game bag; and a free deer meant another long glorious day following him through the October woods, making the tyro's mistakes, to be sure, but feeling also the tyro's thrill and the tyro's wonder, and the consciousness of growing power and skill to read in a new language the secrets that the moss and leaves hide so innocently.