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I cried out, "My God, Paulette, why did you come?" I may have sounded angry. I was, as a man always is angry when he has dragged a woman into his danger. Paulette panted without looking at me. "I had to! The tunnel caved in!" "I told you to get out of it!" I sat up where I had flung myself down and stared at her. She sat up, too, both of us crimson-faced and dishevelled.

But, after an examination, he decided it was but the shaft to some ancient mine which had not panned out, and so had been abandoned after having been fitted with a balanced rocky door, perhaps for some heathen religious rite. There seemed to be no further trouble among the Indian tunnel workers.

Down-stream the tunnel branched again and again, and with the lessening of the diameter was a lessening of the current's velocity, until, in a maze of small, short passages, the invaders, content to fight and kill in the swifter tide, again attacked the caves.

Jameson smoke in the tunnel. But as soon as he went to the surface, the same deadly mixture was pumped down again I caught some of it in this flask, and " "My God, Paddy's down there now," cried Orton, suddenly seizing his telephone. "Operator, give me the south tube quick what they don't answer?"

A telephone connected it with Head-quarters and more dumb dragoons sat motionless on their lofty shelves. The house was shut off from the tunnel by an armoured door, and the orders were that in case of attack that door should be barred from within and the access to the tunnel defended to the death by the men in the outpost.

The bottom appeared slightly damp. Hope now reanimated Dick Varley, and by various devices he succeeded in getting the dog to scrape away a sort of tunnel from the hole, into which he might roll himself and put down his lips to drink when the water should rise high enough.

I don't care to see anything like that again even if it is my enemies that suffer it." He told it so vividly, that standing alongside of him before the tunnel opening I could see the procession myself those two hundred men who had drained horror to its lees and were drunk on it. We went to Fort Boussois, some four miles away. It was another of the keys to the town.

Johnny walked into the Lofty establishment with the feeling of a Napoleon. "How much will you give me for the Ersten lease?" he suggested out of a clear sky. Young Willis Lofty sighed in sympathy with his bank-account. "Have you really secured it?" he asked. "I'm the winner," Johnny cheerfully assured him. "If it's too much I'll build that tunnel," warned Lofty. "Make me an offer."

Then another black tunnel opening into grey rock, and on coming slowly out we are climbing all the time one foot in forty-two we again look down a valley miles away to our left, and we can see the station Karjat, from which we began this climb up the Bore Ghat.

I shall always hold him in grateful memory, for he took me to an old tunnel, and disappearing for a few moments, returned with a large dipper of ice-cold water. Not the Children of Israel, when Aaron smote the rock in the desert and produced a living stream, could have lapped that water with keener enjoyment.