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"What I don't know about metallurgy would fill a library, and I'm probably the world's worst chemist. However, by a series of successive liquations, I hope to separate out fractions that I can use. Platinum melts somewhere around seventeen-fifty, tantalum about twenty-nine hundred, and tungsten not until 'way up around thirty-three, or four hundred and that, by the way, means lots of grief.

And I'll use a tungsten filament lamp in the sending booth." "Oh, let your experiments go for a little while, Tom," suggested Ned. "Come on over to Mr. Damon's. The trouble with you is that you keep too long at a thing, once you start." "That's the only way to succeed," remarked Tom. "Really, Ned, while I feel sorry about the airship, of course, I ought to be working on my telephone.

How could iron-masters harden the tools that were to turn out the mighty cannon that this gold had been sent over to buy, unless they could get the tungsten? Molybdenum, vanadium, manganese, and all the substitutes were commandeered to take its place; but month by month the price of tungsten crept up until now all the West was tungsten-mad.

It would send a messenger-ship to stop its own fleet's bombardment if Weald would accept payment for the grain-ships and their cargoes. It would pay in ingots of iridium and uranium and tungsten and gold if Weald wished it for all damages Weald might claim. It would even pay indemnity for the miners of Orede, who had died by accident but perhaps in some sense through its fault.

"If you invented a neutron gun which could kill through tungsten walls without injuring anything within, a system of accelerating a ship that didn't affect the inhabitants of that ship, and a means of exceeding the speed of light, all within a few months of each other, would you become a pirate? I wouldn't, and I don't think any one else would.

The explosion of the tungsten bulb was too great a puzzle for either officer to solve. A man was sent with a new bulb, and so that part of the affair became almost at once forgotten. Dan finally fell into a genuine sleep, and so did Dave Darrin. In the morning Dave sought out Midshipman Farley to inquire to whom the doughface should be returned.

Now watch that tungsten-beryllium plate. I'll hold the power steady. It's an eighteen-inch beam and now the energy is just sufficient to heat that tungsten plate to bright red. But "

Thomas A. Edison was selected by the Secretary of the Navy as chairman of the board, and the other members were elected as follows: From the American Chemical Society: W. R. Whitney, director of Research Laboratory, General Electric Company, where he has been the moving spirit in the perfection of metallic electric-lamp filaments and the development of wrought tungsten.

But even at its best, when it was working in gold ore that ran three or four thousand to the ton, even then the famous Paymaster had not turned out treasure like this. The banks were full of gold they were shipping it to America in lots of ten and twelve million at a time but tungsten was rare, it was necessary, almost priceless, and the demand for it increased by leaps and bounds.

"And I suppose," she accused, "that you knew all the time that this dump here was nothing but tungsten?" "Well, I had a good idea," he admitted deprecatingly, "although it's yet to be tested out. This is just a sample shipment " "Yes, a sample shipment; and at two dollars a pound how much will it bring you in?