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What for should I be making inquiries about my guests? YOU never dropped a word of such a thing! Who'd have listened if I had? It was just Lord Tulliwuddle this and Lord Tulliwuddle that from morning to night since ever he came to the Castle." "Duncan's so simple-minded," groaned Mrs. Gallosh. "And what were you, I'd like to know? What were you?" retorted her justly incensed spouse.

Something to do with Eva, of course!" she said to her sympathetically. The genuine Tulliwuddle had indeed some cause for perturbation.

But he speedily discovered that hurling an inflated hammer heavenwards was child's play as compared with the simultaneous negotiation of a double wooing. The first person to address him was the millionaire, and he could not but feel a shiver of apprehension to note that he was evidently in the midst of a conversation with Mr. Gallosh. "I must congratulate you, Lord Tulliwuddle," said Mr.

"I have an idea." The three heads bent forward towards a common centre the Baron agog with suppressed excitement, Tulliwuddle revived with curiosity and a gleam of hope, Essington impressive and cool. "I take it," he began, "that if Mr.

Maddison, taking up the conversation the instant his son had ceased, proceeded in a deliberate and impressive voice to say "I!" gasped the Baron. "I do only vish I sometimes had ze cha " "Tulliwuddle!" interrupted the Count. "Don't let your natural indignation carry you away! Mr. Maddison, that statement is not true. I can vouch for it."

The chairs and sofa were upholstered in a figured satin of a slightly richer hue of green, and on several priceless oriental tables lay displayed in ivory, silver, crystal, and alabaster more articles of vertu than were to be found in the entire house of an average collector. "Fortunate Tulliwuddle!" thought Bunker.

"Now, sir, you must be aware in fact, you ARE aware of the matrimonial project once entertained between my daughter and Lord Tulliwuddle." "Once!" exclaimed the Count in protest. "ONCE!" echoed Ri in his deepest voice. "Hish, Ri! Let your poppa do the talking this time," said the millionaire sternly, though with an indulgent eye.

"Ha, my head he is getting more clear!" he announced. "Gom, let us present ourselves to ze ladies, mine Bonker!" "It is necessary, Bonker you are sure?" "No Tulliwuddle has ever omitted the ceremony. If you shirked, I am assured on the very best authority that it would excite the gravest suspicions of your authenticity." Count Bunker spoke with an air of the most resolute conviction.

"A vary vise idea, Bonker," observed the Baron. "What!" said Tulliwuddle. "Do you mean that you would go and crack me up, and that sort of thing?" "No; I mean that I should enjoy a temporary loan of your name and of your residence, and assure them by a personal inspection that I have a sufficient assortment of virtues for their requirements." "Splendid!" shouted the Baron.

"So?" he answered stolidly. "Indeed you have! Ri is just wild about your cleverness." "Zat is kind of him." "He declares you are quite an authority on European politics. Now you will be able to tell me " "Ach, no! I shall not to-day, please!" interrupted the Baron hurriedly. The heiress seemed disconcerted. "Oh, not if you'd rather not, Lord Tulliwuddle." "Not to-day." "Well!"