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While Lester and Bob were looking at them, a small, dark object suddenly arose from the box and came toward them, passing swiftly over their heads and disappearing in the woods. "That's a quail!" exclaimed Bob. "It escaped from Don's hands." "Yes, sir, and we have made a discovery," said Lester. "Dave Evans hasn't given up trapping the quails after all.

We're going into the woods to spend a week or two; wagon following after with all the stuff. Where do you suppose we could run across old Jesse Wilcox these days; and is he starting to do any trapping?" asked Jerry.

"For years I have studied fur finished fur and in the study I have read everything I could find about fur, from the habits of the animals up through their trapping, and the handling of the skins in every step of their preparation. And as for the Indians themselves, I have merely moved about among them and got acquainted, as I would do in a city of white men."

Nevertheless, the lady embraces the same opportunity to rise, and their deserted tenement is soon filled by the sands. Trapping varos calls for patience and much dexterity. The mere finding of the holes is possible only to natives trained from childhood. Six varos make a good meal, with bread and wine, and they are most enjoyable hot also most indigestible.

In three miles they passed but three of his marten traps very lazy trapping and then found a great triangle of logs by a tree with a bait and signs enough to tell the experienced eye that, in that corner, was hidden a huge steel trap for bear. They were almost too late in restraining the knowledge-hunger of Skookum.

Another man, who might not have understood your feelings, could have used your desire for fair play as a means of trapping you into one of the worst offenses in the Spaceman's Code striking a Solar Guard officer!" "Yes, sir," mumbled Astro. "Thank you, sir." "Report aboard the Polaris" Connel glanced at his watch "in fifteen minutes.

My restless, roaming spirit would not allow me to remain at home very long, and in November, after the recovery of my mother, I went up the Republican River and its tributaries on a trapping expedition in company with Dave Harrington. Our outfit consisted of one wagon and a yoke of oxen for the transportation of provisions, traps, and other necessaries.

MANITOBA. In the making of game preserves, Manitoba has made an excellent beginning. It is good to see from Duck Mountain in the north to Turtle Mountain in the south a chain of four liberal preserves, each one protected in unmistakable terms as follows: "Carrying firearms, hunting or trapping strictly prohibited within this area."

He had formed a plan in his head for the trapping of the unknown man who was to mount the throne of Cæsar over the murdered body of his Emperor. Before dealing with the whole band of traitors he wished to know who it was that meant to reap the greatest benefit by the dastardly conspiracy.

"We hauled the boat out, and hid her among the rocks, and after that we fell in with some Kamtchadales going north," he said. "They took us along, I don't know how far, but they were trapping for furs, and after a time I think it was months after we got away from them. Then we fell in with another crowd, and went on further north with them.