Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: August 29, 2024
Shorty overheard the "Captain" say to his partner: "The train'll stop for water in the middle of a big beech woods. We'll get off there and take a path that leads right to the lodge." "How far'll we have to tote these heavy carpetbags?" grumbled the other.
The baggage car, just behind it, was broken all to pieces, but the passenger cars did not seem to have suffered very much, and nobody was badly hurt, as the engineer and fireman had jumped off in time. "This train'll never get in on time," said Ford to the conductor, a little later. "How'll I get to the city?"
There had been very little left of the pig; but the conductor and the rest seemed much disposed to say unkind things about him, and about his owner, and about all the other pigs they could think of. "This train'll never get in on time," said Ford to the conductor, a little later. "How'll I get to the city?"
"Here, we're wasting time," said Levi suddenly. "You're tryin' to get these boys back home. I'll see that they get as far as the Ohio River as fast as the train'll go. Here, six or eight of you men pick up these boys and carry them over to my car there. Handle them as if they were eggs, for they're my friends." There was no lack of willing hands to execute this order.
And the Edenderrys is movin' no farther than just to Athlone; that's as handy a place as you could get." "You'd not thravel from this to Athlone in the inside of a week, if it was iver so handy," said Mrs. Doherty. "Is it a week? Och! blathershins, Mrs. Doherty, ma'am, you're mistook intirely. Sure, onst you've stepped into the town yonder, the train'll take you there in a flash.
We had more of such reports from as far as thirty miles, and beyond that there had not been a drop or a cloud. It staggered one's reason; the brain was numb with surprise. "Well, gentlemen," said the rain-maker, "I'm packed up, and my train'll be along soon would have been along by this, only it's late. What's the word as to my three hundred and fifty dollars?"
There's bound to be inquiries after you when the guard finds your compartment empty an' the door open. May be the train'll put back; more likely they'll send a search-party; but anyways you're all wet through, an' the best thing for health is to off wi' your clothes an' dry 'em, this warm afternoon. "'I dessay, says he, 'you'll have noticed that our eyesight is affected.
That train'll be gone before I can git hitched up." "No train tonight!" Ralph almost yelled, "that cannot be. I do not believe it." "Now look here, Mr. Hav'ley," said Mike, "I wouldn't tell you nothin' that wasn't so, 'specially at a time like this. But I've been driving to Thorbury trains an' from 'em, for years and years.
"Never saw her look fitter," said Wally. "I'm glad as five bob Aunt got the measles! Oh, what a beast I am but, you know what I mean! Jim, this train'll go on, and we've fifty million things in the carriage!" "So we have!" Jim said, hurriedly, taking his hand from Norah's shoulder and diving after his chum into the compartment they had quitted.
Traffic both ways on the sidewalk came to a sudden halt at the spectacle of two men in a situation recognized at a glance in quick-triggered Ascalon as significant, those who came up behind Morgan clearing the way by edging from the sidewalk into the square. "The train'll be here in twelve minutes," Craddock announced, watch in his palm. "On time, is she?"
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