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"And you have " cried a dozen voices. "Do you think that I would let a cursed Frenchman ay, even William's self say that he had bestridden Hereward's mare?" None answered: but Torfrida, as she laid her head upon her husband's bosom, felt the great tears running down from his cheek on to her own. None spoke a word. The men were awe-stricken.

"And my heart is growing very gray, too," said Torfrida. "Certainly not thy head." And he played with her raven locks. "That may come, too; and too soon." For, indeed, they were in very evil case. When William heard that the Danes were gone, he marched on Ely, as on an easy prey.

"Torfrida prophesied," he said, "that she would betray her husband, and she had done it." "Torfrida prophesied? Did she prophesy that I should betray you likewise?" asked Alftruda, in a tone of bitter scorn. "No, you handsome fiend: will you do it?" "Yes; I am a handsome fiend, am I not?" and she bridled up her magnificent beauty, and stood over him as a snake stands over a mouse.

It is in the keeping of of another lady." "So?" said Torfrida, quietly. "Leave her to me"; and she swept past them all, and flung open the bower door at their backs, discovering Alftruda sitting by the dead. The ruffians were so utterly appalled, not only by the false powers of magic, but by veritable powers of majesty and eloquence, that they let her do what she would.

Now, Hereward had been faithful to Torfrida, a virtue most rare in those days, and he loved her with an overwhelming adoration as all true men love. And for that very reason he was the more aware that his feeling for Alftruda was strangely like his feeling for Torfrida; and yet strangely different.

It was so clear before his mind's eye now, that, unawares to himself, he shouted "Torfrida!" as he struck, and struck the harder at the sound of his old battle-cry.

And they heard the heavy tramp of men within a quarter of a mile. "Cover the mare's eyes, and hold her mouth, lest she neigh," said Winter. Hereward and Torfrida lay side by side upon the heath. She was shivering with cold and horror. He laid his cloak over her; put his arm round her. "Your stars did not foretell you this, Torfrida." He spoke not bitterly, but in utter sadness.

But if the Bayeux Tapestry be correct, the fury of the fight for the standard would be explained. Honor to the Southern men! Honor to all true English hearts! Why was I not there to go with them to Valhalla?" Torfrida caught him round the neck. "Because you are here, my hero, to free your country from her tyrants, and win yourself immortal fame." "Fool that I am, I verily believe I am crying."

Not since we sat starving on the Flat-Holme there, in the Severn sea. I have become as foul as my own fortunes: and why not? It is all of a piece. Why should not beggars beg unwashed?" But when Torfrida offered Gunhilda the bath she declined. "I have done, lady, with such carnal vanities. What use in cleansing that body which is itself unclean, and whitening the outside of this sepulchre?

And when they had passed down the street, tramping and jingling and caracoling, young Arnulf ran into the house with eyes full of tears, because he was not allowed to go likewise; and with a message for Torfrida, from no other than Hereward. "I was to tell you this and no more: that if he meets your favor in the field, he that wears it will have hard work to keep it."