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As he came back across the moors, for the first time for weeks his jealous love left him at peace. His had been a fanciful Sylvia, "holy, fair, and wise"; and what if mortal Sylvia were unkind, there was yet comfort in this elusive lady of his memories. He found George at the end of a second breakfast, a very ruddy, happy young man hunting high and low for a lost tobacco-jar.

Going over to the tall tobacco-jar that supported his library, he refilled his pouch with cool deliberation, stretched himself out upon the deck-lounge, and smoked pipe after pipe, till the portion of the drug contained in each accumulated to a perceptible dose.

'The Master of Ballantrae' shouldered 'The Queen's Regulations, one would fancy with a swaggering hint of scorn; a battered copy of the 'Pilgrim's Progress' stood resignedly between Bogle's 'Mission to Thibet' and a technical handbook on Topography, the whole row being propped into position at one end by a great brown tobacco-jar, and at the other by a bronze image of the Buddha in cross-legged meditation a memento of Lenox's latest expedition to Thibet.

It had a rush-bottomed seat to it, and for the first few moments she worried about in it, trying vainly to make herself comfortable. "What would you do?" he asked quietly, filling a well-burnt pipe from a tobacco-jar. She took this as encouragement jumped to it, as an animal to the food above it. "Do? Well, first of all I'd have a nice thick carpet."

Fotheringay and in a very gingerly manner picked up the tobacco-jar, examined it, replaced it on the table. "Well!" was the only expression of his feelings. "Now, after that it's easier to explain what I came about," said Mr.

When a man who hates cats wakes up in the morning and finds a little squirming kitten on his breast, or puts his hand into his ulster-pocket and finds a little half-dead kitten where his gloves should be, or opens his trunk and finds a vile kitten among his dress-shirts, or goes for a long ride with his mackintosh strapped on his saddle-bow and shakes a little squawling kitten from its folds when he opens it, or goes out to dinner and finds a little blind kitten under his chair, or stays at home and finds a writhing kitten under the quilt, or wriggling among his boots, or hanging, head downwards, in his tobacco-jar, or being mangled by his terrier in the veranda, when such a man finds one kitten, neither more nor less, once a day in a place where no kitten rightly could or should be, he is naturally upset.

Instead, he sat twirling his cap and foolishly staring. "Smoke?" Gaston felt his guest's discomfort and tried to ease the strain. He pushed the tobacco-jar forward; no St. Angé man ever travelled without his own pipe. "Given it up," muttered Jude, "and cards likewise, and and drink; I'm going to get married right away." This was rather startling.

Chrysantheme squats like a gipsy before a certain square box, made of red wood, which contains a little tobacco-jar, a little porcelain stove full of hot embers, and finally a little bamboo pot serving at the same time as ash-tray and cuspidor.

I must see you at your post, and I must see the men you work with." He rose, walked across the room, and took his pipe from the rack. "When I go in for a thing, I like to go in over head and ears," he added, as he opened his tobacco-jar. His pipe filled, he resumed his seat, resting his elbows on the table in unconscious imitation of Chilcote.

I felt rather lonesome, for Mick had not been able to get leave to come ashore with me, and Jenny was too busy helping mother house-cleaning to spare much time for a chat after the first greetings had passed on my arriving at the house; so, looking at father's pipe and tobacco-jar, the thought came into my head probably suggested by that wily old Serpent, who, the parson says, is always on the watch to put evil thoughts into empty minds "Why shouldn't I learn to smoke?"