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We then learned that he had been watching the diligence office for over a week, and that he had the pleasant set of apartments we are now occupying all ready and waiting for us. March 1. MY DEAR HUSBAND, Every day is opening to me a new world of wonders here in Italy. I have been in the Catacombs, where I was shown many memorials of the primitive Christians, and to-day we are going to the Vatican.

From the mother to the smallest of them they felt sorry for Billy. For, though Billy had said not a word concerning the fate of his pet, the hurt look in his eyes betrayed the sorrow he felt. No one knew where he was he had disappeared quietly after breakfast. And Pilot was with him. "No tennis or golf to-day," grieved Barbara, going to the window. "Anyway we can swim," cried Peggy.

You do, you know; you want to see whether last night's impression was true; that's why I asked you to lunch. . . . Now I want to know if you've a rehearsal to-day, because, if so " "Lady Barbara, I am going to cut you off," said Eric distinctly.

A man in a position like this is not to be trifled with." "I do not fear him." "But I do. I am, however, a little relieved by the fact that he has never seen you." The painter shook his head. "Not only has he seen me, but I half believe that he suspects my designs." "Impossible!" "But I am sure that I have been followed to-day.

You see Hugo Stinnes and his like with a suite of rooms at the "Adlon," or driving luxuriously along the Unter den Linden, the Kaiser way, without the dignity of a Kaiser. They are not paying very much. Most active-thinking people are to-day working for the reconciliation of Europe, and the greatest obstacle to reconstruction lies in a resentful, half-crushed, and continually harassed Germany.

He passed again in revision all her words, her movements, and as he went on, he found among the smiles, the softened voice, the unwatched moments, certain signs of coldness here and there, as though she were putting a restraint upon herself. But he was so happy now, that he did not need the friendship of a silly girl. He was a rich man now, a nabob beginning from to-day.

It is only when you come to study the desert in terms of the theodolite, so to speak, that you discover its mutability; that which is a hill to-day may be a plain to-morrow. All this had to be considered in making the railway-bed, which must have a firm foundation of stones and a suitable embankment. To put a mile of line down in a day and maintain that rate is, then, a fairly creditable feat.

"If you are," she said, "I wish you would do it soon, because mamma said to-day she thought of asking you to my birthday dinner next Tuesday, but I said you oughtn't to be asked till you had called." "Did you know that bribery is unlawful?" "Are you going to call?" "Of course I am." "That's better. When?" "What evening are you to be at home?"

The story behind the story did not concern Lennox, yet as he might wonder how Paliser had ventured with her on such a subject, she began at it again. "We were married recently, or anyway I thought so. To-day I discovered that the ceremony was bogus. Then I told him a thing or two and he told me that." Lennox stared.

For they were performed on us as though we had been asleep, nay dead, or rather not yet born, so far as our knowledge of them is concerned. Thus we see how the divine mercies and consolations bear us up, without our doing. And still we doubt, or even despair, that He is caring for us to-day. If this experience does not instruct and move one, I know not what will.