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With these we can guide you and explain the plants to you as you work, and our tractor beams will be of assistance to you in moving heavy objects, even at such distances from the surface as we Titanians shall have to maintain.

"Given power, that fortress could destroy the entire Fleet almost as easily as she could wipe out the Sirius alone." "Kenor's right." Stevens spoke up from the calculator. "You're getting too far ahead of the situation. We aren't apt to keep ahead of them long enough to do much leading anywhere. The Titanians can hold a beam together from Saturn to Jupiter why can't these snake-folks?"

"We aren't getting quite enough power to hold our acceleration at normal think I'll cut now, while we're still drawing enough to let the Titanians know we're off their beam. We've got lots of power of our own now; and we're getting pretty close to enemy territory, so they may locate that heavy beam. Have you found Ganymede yet?"

They circled the mountain until Stevens found a favorable point of attack a stupendous vertical cliff of mingled rock and crystal, upon the base of which he trained his terrific infra-red projector. "I'm going to draw a lot of power," he warned the Titanians then. "I'm giving this gun everything she'll take."

"You see, they aren't perfect reflectors. There's a little absorption, so that some stuff comes through. Not much, of course; but enough to kill some of those Titanians and almost enough to ruin their ship got through in about ten minutes, and only one enemy was dealing it out.

He's crazier than a loon in most of his hunches, but he's filled four of our biggest gaps. There is such a thing, as a ray-screen, you kill-joy, and there are also lifting or tractor rays two things I've been trying to dope out and that you've been giving me the Bronx cheer on. The Titanians have had a tractor ray for ages he sent me complete dope on it and the Jovians have got them both.

In the beam many of the monsters died, but the Terrestrial ray was impotent compared with the weapons of the Titanians, and Stevens, snapping off the beam with a bitter imprecation, shot the visiray out toward the bare, black cone of the extinct volcano and studied it with care. "Barkovis, I've got a thought!" he snapped into the microphone.

In fact, we are now employing the highest acceleration we Titanians can endure for any length of time." Stevens pondered long, forgetting that his thoughts were plain as print to the Titanian commander. Thank Heaven these strangers had sense enough to be friendly all intelligent races should be friends, for mutual advancement.

Under the urge of that mighty jack the ends of the broken bus-bar rose into place, while far off in space the Titanians clustered about their visiray screens, watching, in almost unbelieving amazement, the supernatural being who labored in that reeking inferno of heat and poisonous vapor who labored almost naked and entirely unprotected, refreshing himself from time to time with drafts of molten water!

Then, too, we might well be bringing down upon them an enemy who would destroy much of their world before he could be stopped. Both Uranus and Neptune are approximately upon our present course. Do the Titanians know anything of either of them, Steve?" "Not a thing," the computer replied. "They can't get nearly as far as Uranus on their power beam it's all they can do to make Jupiter.