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"That's a bit thick, isn't it, Jim for that fat Dutchman to go wandering about the Spanish Main doin' all sorts of things, and then fall on his feet like this?" "Well," said Jim, "you have fallen on your feet, so you say; and I'm sure I have." "That's right," said Shorts. "I wasn't thinken' that the wife was standin' by."

But 'twas a pretty sight for the nation. He coloured up like any maid, that 'a did. 'Well enough 'a mid colour up. 'Tis no small matter for a man to play wi' fire. 'Whatever it may be to a woman, said the clerk absently. 'Thou'rt thinken o' thy wife, clerk, said Gad Weedy. 'She'll play wi'it again when thou'st got mildewed.

My wage when I came here was but three pound, and I did on it, and was always clean and tidy, which is more than many a lass can say now who gets her seven and eight pound a year; and tea was kept for an afternoon drink, and pudding was eaten afore meat in them days, and the upshot was, people paid their debts better; aye, aye! we'n gone backwards, and we thinken we'n gone forrards."

"'Tis yours, Miss Graye," says he. "No, 'tis yours," says she. "'Tis'n' mine," says he. The Crown had cast his eyes upon the case, thinken o' forfeiture by felony but 'twas no such thing, and 'a gied it up, too. Did you ever hear such a tale? three people, a man and a woman, and a Crown neither o' em in a madhouse flingen an estate backwards and forwards like an apple or nut?

Aw have th' rheumatic all o'er mo, nearly; an' it leads one a feaw life. Yo happen never had a touch on it, had yo?" "Never." "Well; yo're weel off. When is this war to end, thinken yo?" "Nay; that's a very hard thing to tell." " Well, we mun grin an' abide till it's o'er, aw guess. It's a mad mak o' wark. But it'll happen turn up for best i'th end ov o'."

'Tesn't right or fitty to kiss that way. It frightens me, Archelaus." "Why edn' it right?" "Because because we aren't wed," faltered Phoebe. "Wed!..." In his voice was light laughter and a kindly scorn. "What's wed but a word? We're men and women on this earth; that's all that matters to my way of thinken!" Phoebe was vaguely hurt and insulted, which did duty for being shocked very well.