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She brought me all my belongings that had been filched from me rifle, ammunition, knife, and thermos bottle, and then hand in hand we descended the cliff and set off toward the north. For three days we continued upon our way, until we arrived outside a village of thatched huts just at dusk.

Their short halt while they drank their tea had passed without incident in fact, Millicent had drunk hers alone on camel-back, for it had been carried in thermos flasks, their Amon-Ra, as Hassan called the magic bottles whose contents retained the heat with no obvious aid. Michael had spent the time, while he drank his refreshing cup, in consulting Abdul about their route.

"He says any sandwich with the crust cut off is unworthy a man's attention." "Tell him for me that he's mistaken. No crust on mine, but a whole slice of bread to make up for the loss," and he paid his bill enthusiastically and packed away into his thermos box a goodly pile of the much-to-be-enjoyed sandwiches.

A thermos bottle filled with coffee went into Ruth's bag, while Curly was laden with a substantial lunch, a roll of bandages, a bottle of arnica and some smelling-salts, beside the lantern. "Huh!" protested the boy to Ann, "if she was sending us out to find a lost boy all she'd send would be that cat-o'-nine-tails of hers that hangs in the woodshed. I know Gran!"

They were drinking something out of a thermos bottle that they passed round with the air of Sunday excursionists. They waved, with a conscious relaxation of discipline, at the men as they passed. One, a little lieutenant with a black mustache with pointed ends, kept crying: "They're running like rabbits, fellers; they're running like rabbits."

Then we were compelled to take to the woods and to cut a portage around the worst and deepest of it, and so passed beyond it to good ice and to an empty cabin where we spent the night, glad to be sheltered from an exceedingly bitter wind that had blown all day and had taken all the pleasure out of travel. It is in such weather particularly that the thermos flasks prove such a boon to the musher.

You had better remain at the waggon line and keep in touch with the battery waggon lines. Will you send up my British warm when you get back, some sandwiches for Bushman and myself, and my Thermos flask?" The almost paralysing block of traffic between Béthancourt and Caillouel had thinned out now.

Uncle Henry had been up some time, and now he came stamping into the house, saying that the ponies were hitched in and were standing in readiness upon the barn floor, attached to the pung. "We've twenty-five miles to ride, you see, Nannie," he said. "The boys have to be at Blackton's so's to get to work at seven." They filled the thermos bottle that had so puzzled Tom, and then sallied forth.

By general consent all the cakes were pooled, set out on hard-backed exercise books in lieu of plates, and handed round the company. Bess, whose basket contained two thermos flasks, a dozen cheese cakes, and some meringues, was felt to have brought a valuable contribution.

The invention of the amber snow-glass is an even greater blessing to the traveller in the north than the invention of the thermos bottle. No test could be more severe than that which we put these glasses to. We were now at the farthest point at which it was possible to use the dogs, at our actual climbing base, and the time had come for Johnny and the dogs to go down to the base camp for good.