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She'd go to Atuona if I'd go; but I can't make a living there, and I'm rotten enough now without living off her people in the cannibal group. She's skin and bones and coughs all night." Ormsby puffed his pipe as Tahia put her hand in his. Her action was that of a small dog who puts his paw on his master's sleeve, hesitating, hopeful, but uncertain. She regarded me with slightly veiled hostility.

"Grandfather had his teeth to the last. He would never eat a child. Like all warriors he preferred for vengeance's sake the meat of another fighter." He had not yet sprung the grim jest of almost all cannibalistic narratives. I did not ask if Honi's wife had eaten of him, as had Tahia of her white man. It is probable that she did, and that they deceived her.

But I thought of what my feelings would be if it were the Devonshire coast, somewhere about Sidmouth, and no landing! However, they, as well as the three Nengonese, Wadrokala, Harper Malo, and Martin Tahia, went on contentedly. 'Off Mai, May 19th. Mr. Kerr has been busy taking bearings, &c., for the purpose of improving our MS. chart, and constructing a new one.

William Martin Tahia and Chakham, a principal chief and old scholar, are with us. 'At Nengone, Wadrokala, George Simeona, and Harper Malo have come away for good.... We number thirty-nine Melanesians.... This is a long letter which will try your patience. 'Always, my dear Bishop, 'Affectionately yours, Another long letter was written during this voyage to Mr.

Now, the natives are always kind to any one, but sickness they are not interested in. You go and see her, won't you? She's about all in, and it won't hurt you." Ormsby went to the Dangerous Isles on the Etoile, and did not return for three weeks. He did not find Tahia in her shack on the hill. She was in the cemetery, in the plot reserved for the natives of other islands, and her babe unborn.

Drop in at Tahia's shack once in a while and cheer her up. She lives back of the Catholic mission, and she's pretty sick." Tahia was desperately ill, I thought.

Au revoir and happy dreams." The beach-combers of Papeete The consuls tell their troubles A bogus lord The American boot-blacks The cowboy in the hospital Ormsby, the supercargo The death of Tahia The Christchurch Kid The Nature men Ivan Stroganoff's desire for a new gland. I played badminton some afternoons at the British consulate.

Tahia of Atuona She held fast. The Christchurch Kid and I were friendly, and he allowed me once a day during his training periods to put on the gloves with him for a mild four rounds. He was an open-hearted fellow, with a cauliflower ear and a nose a trifle awry from "a couple of years with the pork-and-beaners in California," as he explained, but with a magnificent body.

"Now Tahia was a good wife, and loved her beautiful white man; all that a wife could do she did, cooking his food, bathing his feet, rolling cigarettes for him all day long as he lay upon the mats. But her father in time became troubled, and there was grumbling among the people, for the white man would not work.

One evening, therefore, the old men met in conference, and this was their decision: 'Rats are becoming a nuisance, and we will abate them. "Next morning the father sent Tahia on an errand to another valley. Then men began to dig a large oven in the earth before Tahia's house, where the white man lay on the mats at ease. Presently he looked and wondered and looked again.