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But, unfortunately, I was more of a Murat than a Moltke, and preferred a direct charge upon my object to relying on tactique.

He had learned, by long experience, the best tactique under fire: he became actually taciturn; or, if he spoke, his speech was laconic and enigmatical; sometimes throwing out a proverb, and sometimes a text; and sometimes when provoked past endurance, spouting mildly a little bit of meek and venomous irony.

Les Allemands appliqueront certainement dans les montagnes et les ravins de la presqu'île le système qui leur a réussi jusqu'ici en France. D'autre part l'ennemi parait avoir changé de tactique. Il a voulu au début nous rejeter

He told Peel and Lord Melville he wished the Royal Academy to remain open till after the King's funeral, that he might see the exhibition, and said Peel should attend him when he went. This Peel thinks very foolish, and his disposition seems to be to turn the King into ridicule, and to throw the suspicion of insanity upon all his acts. This is the tactique of the Whigs.

It contains a Defence of Economy against Burke, and a Defence of Economy against George Rose, both written in 1810, and published in the Pamphleteer in 1817, with Observations on a speech by Peel in 1825, and Indications respecting Lord Eldon. The two last appeared in 1825. It was partly published by Dumont with the Tactique, etc.

The celebrated author of the "Essai General sur la Tactique," naturally directed his attention during his travels to military affairs, and to an examination and description of the sites of famous battles.

It is possible, however, that this order may have reference to the old Irish weapon, the javelin or dart. The pike, the battle-axe, the sword, and skein, or dagger, both parties had in common, though their construction was different. The favourite tactique, on both sides, seems to have been the old military expedient of outflanking an enemy, and attacking him simultaneously in front and rear.

In this organization of the army, therefore, we may trace his first means of success. The next was his military tactique: The great and simple principle on which this was founded, is evident in every one of the pitched battles which he gained; he out-numbered his opponents, he sacrificed a troop, a battalion, a division, or a whole army without bestowing a moment's thought.

"`This is grand! this is magnificent! cried Captain Alphonse, when I unfolded this scheme to him; for, sirs, I may say with pardonable pride, it was my plan entirely. `It is good tactique to beat the retreat sometimes in war. They retreat that they may the more easily advance!

So completely did this tactique turn the tables upon the poor adjutant, who the moment before was exulting over me, that I utterly forgot my own woes, and sat down convulsed with mirth at his situation an emotion certainly not lessened as I saw Curzon passed from one to the other at table, "like a pauper to his parish," till he found an asylum at the very foot, in juxta with the engaging Mister Donovan.