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Season with salt, vinegar, paprika and add one-half cup of cream. Mix one tablespoon of butter and one of flour in a saucepan and add gradually half a pint of boiling water. Stir until it just reaches the boiling point; take from the fire and add the yolks of two eggs.

Beat the yolks of two eggs until light, add one tablespoon of sugar, one teaspoon of pepper, one-half teaspoon of salt and dry mustard, pour one cup of vinegar over, stir well and pour over the slaw. This dressing may be cooked over boiling water if so desired. Care must be taken in adding the vinegar gradually, and add sliced onions to the salad.

Bar was sorry to miss our good friend Mr Sparkler to-day, Mr Merdle. 'He is away with Mrs Merdle, returned that gentleman, slowly coming out of a long abstraction, in the course of which he had been fitting a tablespoon up his sleeve. 'It is not indispensable for him to be on the spot. 'The magic name of Merdle, said Bar, with the jury droop, 'no doubt will suffice for all.

Return to the stew-pan, and for one and one-half pints of turnips add one teaspoon of salt, one-fourth teaspoon of pepper, one tablespoon of butter, and four tablespoons of water. Cook over a very hot fire until the turnips have absorbed all the seasonings. Serve at once.

Place again over the fire for a few minutes, stirring frequently and mashing the mixture into a uniform paste, but be very careful that it does not boil. Melt four tablespoons of butter in a frying-pan, add one onion chopped fine and cook until straw colored. Then add one tablespoon of curry powder.

Bottle without straining, then seal. Forty-five large tomatoes, skin and cut into pieces, twenty green peppers, twenty red peppers, six onions, all cut fine, two tablespoons of salt, six small cups of vinegar, two cups of sugar. Mix all together and boil two hours, then add one tablespoon each of ginger, cloves, cinnamon and allspice, and boil up once. Bottle and seal at once.

Then add one tablespoon of cornstarch which has been moistened with cold water. Stir in while cooking till it is smooth and glossy. When the cake is cool, pour mixture over the layers. Take one pound of sugar, yolks of eight eggs with two whole ones, the juice of five large lemons, the grated peel of two, and one-quarter pound of butter.

Stir until the mixture boils, when it should be a smooth brown gravy to which any flavouring may be added. Strained tomato pulp is a nice addition, but a teaspoonful of lemon juice will suffice. 1 cup unpolished rice, 3 cups water, 2 cups fresh-shelled peas, 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, butter size of walnut.

Place on a hot platter; set in oven until sauce is made, as follows: put the pan on top of stove in which chickens were smothered; add level tablespoon of flour, thinned in cold water; add minced parsley; let this all cook two or three minutes, then add large cup of strong stock, to the chickens. Broil one can mushrooms, and pour these over chicken when ready to serve.

Baked Shrimp: Cut the eyes from a dozen large, meaty tomatoes, scoop out the pulp, leaving the shells whole, then mix it with one hundred shrimps boiled as directed and picked from their shells, one cup grated bread crumbs or fine cracker crumbs, and one heaping tablespoon of butter.