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"Who's that for, mother?" Constance asked sleepily. "It's for Sophia," said Mrs. Baines, with good cheer. "Now, Sophia!" and she advanced with the egg-cup in one hand and the table-spoon in the other. "What is it, mother?" asked Sophia, who well knew what it was. "Castor-oil, my dear," said Mrs. Baines, winningly.

The table-spoon which had been found in my pocket, and which had been placed on the desk before the official already spoken of, was now labelled and put past, and I was ordered to be removed. During all this time I had been loudly protesting my innocence of any crime; but no attention whatever was paid to me.

But the subject so survived all day, nevertheless, that Miss Ferdinand got into new trouble by surreptitiously clapping on a paper moustache at dinner-time, and going through the motions of aiming a water-bottle at Miss Giggles, who drew a table-spoon in defence.

The ferryman was early at his post, and put the travelers across cheerfully without charge. Soon after crossing, a good silver-plated table-spoon, bearing the monogram of one of the travelers, purchased from an aged colored woman a large chunk of ash-cake and about half a gallon of buttermilk. This old darkey had lived in Richmond in her younger days.

When the division was accomplished, we found that a day's allowance for the two was not a great deal more than what a table-spoon might hold. Each separate portion we immediately rolled up in the bit of silk prepared for it, and joining them all together into a small package, I committed them, with solemn injunctions of fidelity, to the custody of Toby.

I know it's mere nonsense; but " He stopped an instant and called aloud: "Thomas! Thomas!" Thomas's lean head, like a bird's, popped out from a window in the kitchen court behind. "Come here a minute." Thomas came and stood before them with a piece of wash-leather in one hand and a plated table-spoon in the other.

Stick to the paper, exactly, and here you have an egg-cup, a table-spoon, and a tea-spoon to measure with. Put your pipe out, I advise you, Hockins, before beginning. If Rainiharo should call, tell him he will find me with the Queen. I don't like that Prime Minister. He's a prime rascal, I think, and eggs the Queen on when she would probably let things drop.

A large table-spoon and fork should be placed on the dish, and the dish then held low, so that the guest may help himself easily, the servant standing at his left hand. He should always have a small napkin over his hand as he passes a dish. A napkin should also be wrapped around the champagne bottle, as it is often dripping with moisture from the ice-chest.

'How's the pie? he said, rousing himself. 'It's a pudding, I made answer. 'Pudding! he exclaimed. 'Why, bless me, so it is! What! looking at it nearer. 'You don't mean to say it's a batter-pudding! 'Yes, it is indeed. 'Why, a batter-pudding, he said, taking up a table-spoon, 'is my favourite pudding! Ain't that lucky? Come on, little 'un, and let's see who'll get most.

These he held up to view, and with animated words and gesticulations explained that this was the grave of a white man, not of a native. The articles he brought out were a pewter plate and a silver table-spoon. "There's a name of some kind written here," said Bolton, as he carefully scrutinised the spoon. "Look here, Fred, your eyes are better than mine; see if you can make it out."