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We will do our poor best for your accommodation; and while both mechanically murmured a word of thanks, and removed their soaked hats, the good man exclaimed, as he beheld Berenger's ashy face, with the sunken eyes and deep scars, 'Monsieur should come to bed at once. He is apparently recovering from a severe wound. This way, sir; Jolitte shall make you some hot tisane.

They'll leave me to die in prison, yes, in prison!" As soon as anyone called, Virginie or Madame Boche, to ask after her health, she would not reply directly, but immediately started on her list of complaints: "Oh, I pay dearly for the food I eat here. I'd be much better off with strangers. I asked for a cup of tisane and they brought me an entire pot of hot water.

After waiting a minute, I would go in and kiss her; Francoise would be making her tea; or, if my aunt were feeling 'upset, she would ask instead for her 'tisane, and it would be my duty to shake out of the chemist's little package on to a plate the amount of lime-blossom required for infusion in boiling water.

It sounds rhetorical to say so, but it was not quelled in peasoup or tisane. While it lasted the fighting was very determined, and it is easily, I think, the most considerable of Irish rebellions. The country was not with it, for be it remembered that a whole army of Irishmen, possibly three hundred thousand of our race, are fighting with England instead of against her.

He was given up by the doctors, they thought he might die any day in such a case one gives oneself is one would offer him a cup of tisane the action of a Good Samaritan." "Your defense," he said grimly, as he freed himself from her grasp, "is far worse than any reproach I might bring against you. You never loved him? Your heart had no part in this childish folly?

"May be she was going to make a little tisane, eh?" said the Creole, forcing down a smile. But a portion of the smile would come when Frowenfeld answered, with unnecessary resentment: "She was going to make some proper use of it, which need not concern me." "Without doubt." The Creole quietly walked a step or two forward and back and looked idly into the glass case.

She shifted the invalid's hot pillow and gave her a drink of tisane, moving about the over-furnished, airless room in her calm and efficient way. Her face showed no sign of trouble, but an iron band clamped her forehead above her burning eyes. She could perform her nurse's duties, but it was beyond her power to concentrate her mind on the sick woman's unending litany of grievances.

fr. s. Clarette 6 0 Vin de Bourgogne 1 15 Vin de Chablis 2 0 Vin de Beaune 2 5 Vin de Mulsaux 3 0 Vin de Montrachet 3 10 Vin de Pomard 3 10 Vin de Volnay 3 10 Vin de Nuits 3 10 Vin de Grave 5 0 Vin de Soterne 5 0 Vin de Champagne mousseux 5 0 Vin de champagne, mousseux 4 0 Tisane de Champagne 3 10 Vin de Rose 5 0 Vin de Silery rouge 6 0 Vin de Silery blanc 6 0 Vin de Pierri 5 0 Vin d'Ai 5 0 Vin de Porto 6 0 Latour 6 0 Vin de Cote-Rotie 5 0

Shall it be wine for wine, then, or do you insist upon money? And here he poured out a cupful from the flagon at his elbow and offered it to the merchant, who drank and pulled a wry mouth, as well he might, for it had been saved from the spillings of his own tisane. "'The Viscount eyed him curiously. 'What! Master Tibbald?

'My husband is only a cripple, confined to his chair, I am no longer an artist but an artisan, I have not painted a picture for years, but what I paint sells for a trifle, and there is soup in the pot of a sort. For the rest I spend my life in making tisane, in lifting weights too heavy for me, and bargaining for things to eat.