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And I should have been more than content with the one, if she..... Well if..... I don't know if I can help you, he finished weakly. But then, whether because of the alcohol, the other man's openness, or the sheer physical need to let it out, he told him. 'I made love to Kataya last night. 'Good, said Smith warmly. 'Good for you. 'Not good for me. . .or Sylviana.

I'm not nearly as shallow and glib as I come across -a defense mechanism I guess, to keep myself from being hurt. But I do care, and I'd be honored. And he gave Kalus his hand on it. Kalus took it in his own, finding unexpected relief, as Sylviana watched him, and listened to Dr. Welles, and felt her hard resolve begin to waver.

Only a fool leaves a beautiful princess trapped in the tower forever. He looked at Kalus as he said this, though only Sylviana seemed to take his meaning, flushing with confusion and resentment. Though neither of the newcomers could know it, the remark was neither light nor haphazard. The doctor was testing the waters for a procreation problem which struck much closer to home.

He felt himself out of place: in the wrong tale, immersed in chapters and characters that all around him understood, but which were to him as incomprehensible as the Valley had been to Sylviana.

Here was a creature, young and without guilt, who would die if he did not act. 'Sylviana. Help me carry him in. 'Are you all right? She looked hard at him, and he answered honestly. 'I'm not the one who matters now. Will you help me? She nodded vaguely and together they lifted the tiger as best they could, bringing it inside.

But there is also a malevolent, just as real, and Sylviana was being carried along by it without resistance, and without awareness. As William plotted, and Kalus burned. But life, and the myriad realities around them, did not cease because two lovers had been driven apart, or because another lived in the darkened world of near death.

These words worked on her system like an electric shock. 'What! Why didn't you wake me? 'You needed sleep more than water, or even air. Please don't fight with me, Sylviana. Much could happen this day. I don't want it to begin with a rift between us. She paced back and forth in the deep sand, her strides sinking, failing to carry her any meaningful distance before doubling back.

He stood up and called again, one last act of desperation. Nothing. He went down on one knee, and patted the ground with his open hand. He needed no more prodding. The time had come to act. 'Alaska, he whispered intently. 'Sylviana. SYLVIANA. This time the cub seemed to understand, and apparently had some insight as to where they might be found, for she set out at once.

He cooked the rabbit without a word, and divided out the portions. The three ate silently, and even the cub seemed subdued, sensing her master's mood. Kalus placed the tiger's share outside the door, wrapped his fur tighter, and sat like a troubled stone before the fire. Sylviana could stand it no longer. 'Kalus, what is it? What's wrong? 'I can't talk about it, he said. 'I'm sorry.

And though I am deeply fond of him..... Can't you see how much he loves you? PASSIONATELY, single-heartedly. Don't you know how much that's worth? I've only experienced it once in my life, and I would give all the world to have that back..... My gentle husband, so unlike the hard, cruel men among whom he was raised. 'Get out! screamed Sylviana, 'Before I tear your eyes out!