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The rivers was swarmin' with beaver and if the Indians 'ud let us alone every man of us 'ud come down to rendezvous with each mule carrying two hundred pound of skins. Them was the times." The quick, laughing patter of the voyageur's French broke in on his voice, but old Joe, casting a dim eye back over the splendid past, was too preoccupied to mind.

'E's in disgrace, is Sanda Pasha, just now, an' superseded. The day you was took bad, sir, Russians came into the willage, an' w'en I come back I found 'em swarmin' in the 'ouses an' loop-'oling the walls for defence, but Sanda Pasha came down on 'em with a harmy of Turks an' drove 'em out.

I dunno's anybody could stan' it, unless 'twas an emmet. They seem to git along swarmin' round together." Mrs. Mitchell left the room abruptly. "Wednesday or Thursday, then!" she called over her shoulder. The next forenoon, Mrs. Blair made her neighbor a long visit.

Then, as the Heart of Ireland came around and the full view of the south of San Juan burst upon them, the wreck piled on the rocks came in sight, and, anchored quarter of a mile off the shore a Chinese junk! "Well, I'm damned," said Harman. Ginnell, seizing his glasses, rushed forward and looked through them at the wreck. "It's swarmin' with chows," cried he, coming aft.

He says that word comes trailin' in that the Cheyennes at the Red Cloud agency is makin' war medicine an' about to go swarmin' off to hook up with Sittin' Bull an' Crazy Hoss in the Sioux croosades. Crook tells Merritt to detach a band of his scouts to go flutterin' over to Red Cloud an' take a look at the Cheyennes's hand.

There's bin an onusual swarmin' o' rats in the ship of late, an' Davie Summers has had a riglar hunt after them. The lad has becum more than ornar expert with his bow an' arrow, for he niver misses now exceptin' always, when he dusn't hit an' for the most part takes them on the pint on the snowt with his blunt-heded arow, which he drives in the snowt, not the arow.

Bowlaigs is pickin' up the dollar when the Major comes swarmin' 'round the ruins of his outfit, a bowie in his hand, an' him fairly locoed with rage. "Shore, thar's a fight, an' the Major gets the knife plumb to Bowlaigs's honest heart with the first motion.

The officer leaned lethargically over the rail. "What'm I gonter do? Why, leave 'm. He ain't got no folks gonter sit up nights waitin' fer 'm. Now you young ones go along home to your suppers," he indulgently commanded, "and you little fellers, if you want crabs, be 'round here early. By to-morrow this place will be fairly swarmin' with them." From The Little Review

We can look after him all right after knocking off, but if we was to let him loose while we was at work he'd go pourin' Bill Mooney's fork-lightnin' gin into him till he had his bluchers full o' snakes 'an the whole lead swarmin' with fantods.

But we'd only about half done our work when a lot more soldiers comed swarmin' down, and Cap'n Drake sings out for everybody to get aboard and to cast off the hawsers for by this time there was nigh upon five hunderd Spaniards attackin' us, and we could do nothin' again so many.