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Enderly at Sandy River he says he is very wishful for to swap bees to cross the breed I says it shorely can be done if you say so I got the pits and am studyin' how to plant. The fruit is a rottin' can't the Yankees at Osage buy some truck nohow off'n me? So no more with respect from John Deal Supt. "That seems rather harmless, doesn't it?" asked the Colonel wearily. "I don't know.

I have already, with as much satisfaction as Aeneas in a cloud heard Dido praise him, heard the Beaux-Criticks condemn this translation before they saw it, and with as much judgment as if they had: And after they had prophetically discover'd all the flaws in the turns of thought, the cadence of periods, and had almost brought in Epick and Drama, they supt their coffee, took snuff, and charitably concluded to send Briscoe the pye-woman to help off with his books.

The operator carried the message to the superintendent. "It seems to be for you," he said. The superintendent read Div. Supt. G.&M., Blake City. Tell manager it takes better man than him to tie us up.

Sprangler who had my money in his bank. Supt. Rummels told me to get a letter from Mr. Sprangler and he would put me on. So I went and got the letter and with it the money to pay for my uniform, after having my measure taken and sending for my suit.

Such instances of carelessness as lately have been exhibited in the Bluegrass will be severely dealt with. "By order of LIGHTNING, "Gen. Supt. C. S. Tel. Dept." Just about that time Chad Buford, in a Yankee hospital, was coming back from the land of ether dreams.

Hundreds of persons thronged the corridors in the immediate vicinity of the offices of the department, while a vast crowd was assembled on the outside of the building. Upon the arrival of Supt. Deitsch he at once repaired to Mayor Caldwell's office, where a star chamber session of some length was held.

Where The gravid mistress of their care? A busy scene, indeed, he sees, But not a sign or sound of bees. Worms of the riper grave unhid By any kindly coffin lid, Obscene and shameless to the light, Seethe in insatiate appetite, Through putrid offal; while above The hissing blow-fly seeks his love, Whose offspring, supping where they supt, Consume corruption twice corrupt.

I was told the Queen was a-coming; so I got a sculler for sixpence to carry me thither and back again, but I could not get to see the Queen; so come back, and to my Lord's, where he was come: and I supt with him, he being very merry, telling me stories of the country mayors, how they entertained the King all the way as he come along; and how the country gentlewomen did hold up their heads to be kissed by the King, not taking his hand to kiss as they should do.

As the train came into the depot ten minutes late, and the conductor jumped off, all mud from head to foot, as though he had been playing spaniel and retrieving a wounded duck, Supt. Atkins looked at his clothes and said, "Where in have you been all the time?"

I have therefore to request that you will give directions to the Osage sub-agent to invite proposals as contemplated in my instructions to you of the 14th November, 1845, to which you are referred. Respectfully, &c., To T. W. HARVEY, Esq., Supt. Indian Affairs, St. Louis, Mo.