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Its sun-blind was as some grimy vine, bearing bunches of black and brown boots. Inside, the shop was a bower of boots. The man, when we entered, was busy with a chisel and hammer opening a new crate full of boots. George raised his hat, and said "Good-morning." The man did not even turn round. He struck me from the first as a disagreeable man.

The golden pestles and mortars fixed as signs upon the sun-blind frames outside the Druggists', appear to have been just turned out of the United States' Mint; and when I saw a baby of some week or ten days old in a woman's arms at a street corner, I found myself unconsciously wondering where it came from: never supposing for an instant that it could have been born in such a young town as that.

With 'Doctor Mantle's Dispensary for the cure of all Human Maladies and no charge for advice, and with Doctor Mantle's 'Laboratory of Medical, Chemical, and Botanical Science' both healing institutions established on one pair of trestles, one board, and one sun-blind.

All the blind men's dogs in the streets draw their masters against pumps or trip them over buckets. A shop with a sun-blind, and a watered pavement, and a bowl of gold and silver fish in the window, is a sanctuary. Temple Bar gets so hot that it is, to the adjacent Strand and Fleet Street, what a heater is in an urn, and keeps them simmering all night.

The pair had just reached the place at which two paths crossed each other, which was illuminated by a broad patch of moonlight. Madeleine could not help being curious to see who it might be, and still stood leaning out of the window, holding on to the fastening of the sun-blind. The lovers stood still for a moment, as if they felt that there was danger in passing the place.

The last deep notes of the gong died away, and Vera's eyes half-opened again. They dwelt restlessly upon the brilliant patch of garden visible under the lowered sun-blind. The splendour of the June world without served to increase the wretchedness of her mood by contrast. The sultry heat seemed to weigh her down. Life was one vast oppression and bondage. She was weary to the soul.

He stood awhile turned from her, his face to the window, though the sun-blind was all that could have met his view; finally, with grave kindness, he spoke. "I think I had better leave you to prepare for the journey. There is not much time at your disposal, and you will probably need it all. It is settled that Noel is to go with us?" "You won't mind?" she whispered.

Then he, too, took his way to bed, and presently the Hotel de Loup was wrapped in the profound stillness of night. The sun poured down on to the balcony, and even though the gaily striped sun-blind had long since been lowered the heat was intense.

I don't know whether I have been eating anything more than usually brain stimulating everything has a physical basis but I have come back from this scattered holiday full of new ideas." Presently they are seated on camp-stools sipping tea, eating strawberries and cakes, under the striped sun-blind. Norie continues: "Do you remember Beryl Clarges at Newnham?"

Vanderbank had reached one of the windows, shaded from without by a great striped sun-blind beneath which and between the flower-pots of the balcony he could see a stretch of hot relaxed street. He looked a minute at these things. "I do so like your phrases!" She had a pause that challenged his tone. "Do you call mamma a 'phrase'?"