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In the midst of the chaos two vast whirlpools formed one where Great Lakes sucked down men and fortunes, the other where Woolens drew some down to destruction, flung others up to wealth.

The other tumbled back into his oars. Up sprang his foot. The pistol was kicked out of the boy's hand, and the Gentleman was on him. "O, you are a villain, Little Chap!" chuckled a voice in the lad's ear. For a moment they hugged, the boat rocking beneath them. "Can you swim?" came the voice at his ear. "Yes," gurgled the lad, and as he felt the boat going sucked in a breath.

I placed the shell on the edge of her lips, and after a good deal of laughing she sucked in the oyster, which she held between her lips. I instantly recovered it by placing my lips on hers.

Out of that thunderous cauldron, filled with huge tramplings and the shriek of tortured torrents, rose a white curtain of spray, which every now and then swayed upward and drenched the green birches which grew about the rim of the pot. For the break in the rim, which caught at the passing current and sucked it into the slow swirls of Blackwater Pot, was not a dozen feet from the lip of the falls.

The pigeonholes were crammed with papers, as, presumably, too, were the drawers. Jimmie Dale sucked in his breath. He had already been there well over half an hour every minute now, every second was counting against him, and to search that mass of papers before Stangeist returned was "Ah!" it came in a fierce little ejaculation from Jimmie Dale.

"He sucked in the poison with his mother's milk, you may say. Mrs. Babington was naught but a concealed Papist, and, coming from her, it cost nothing to this Queen to beguile him when he was a mere lad, and make him do her errands, as you know full well. Then what must my Lord Earl do but send him to that bitter Puritan at Cambridge, who turned him all the more that way, out of very contradiction.

An Arab will sometimes have to go fifty or a hundred miles to go round a drift. Suppose he tries to cross, his camel breaks its legs, and he himself is sucked in and swallowed." "How long will this be?" "No one can say." "Well, Cochrane, it's all in our favour.

It tried to suck him back into the maw of the city. He fought against it with his shoulders and his knees. He tried now to run. It sucked him back. A wandering Aissaoua plucked at his sleeve and held under his nose a desert viper that gave off metallic rose glints in its slow, pained constrictions. "To the glory of Sidna Aissa, master, two sous."

"'Correct! sez Sandy, chipper ez ye please; an' then we both jumped, me with a grip like grim death onter Sandy's belt. "Boys, but it was a caution to see them waves, an' cross-currents, an' chutes, an' big ripples, an' eddies, an' whirlpools, how they jest sucked us down an' slapped us up an' smothered us an' chucked us roun' like chips.

They were far shorter, thicker and stronger than those of the many neighbouring brooks. I have fished up the burn with fly, when it was very low, hiding carefully behind the boulders, and have been surprised at the size and gameness of the fish. As soon as the fly had touched the brown water, it was sucked down, and there was quite a fierce little fight before the fish came to hand.